Woah great find, I saved this to my harddrive just in case the site dies! Would hate to lose a collection this size. Wonder if the webmaster will keep the links up to date... can only hope.
I'll voice my opinion when I feel it's relevant, thank you very much :). I keep an eye on a handful of entertaining blogs and feeds every night before bed, and usually Neatorama delivers stuff that isn't old (or at least stuff that just popped up the same day on a number of places).
So yeah, I'll critique occasionally when someone is posting reruns from last week! Thanks for your waste of time TwoDragons, get bent ;)
I'll voice my opinion when I feel it's relevant, thank you very much :). I keep an eye on a handful of entertaining blogs and feeds every night before bed, and usually Neatorama delivers stuff that isn't old (or at least stuff that just popped up the same day on a number of places).
So yeah, I'll critique occasionally when someone is posting reruns from last week! Thanks for your waste of time TwoDragons, get bent ;)