It hurts me how many people refuse to read all the comments before repeating something someone else already said.
Kudos on putting together an interesting list, and introducing me to a couple of events and photographers that I'd not yet seen, and further illuminating several that I already had.
I'll allow you artistic license on Einstein's uvula, because regardless of its accuracy, it was FUNNY. Anti-kudos to the nit-pickers among us.
Who else has the right to say what should be included on YOUR list? None, I submit. Although I have to say I was deeply and profoundly moved by the image Self Immolation when I first saw it. It changed me, if not the world.
And to the naysayers: Start your own blog, post your own list, and wait for the loyal readers to show up. If you're interesting enough, you'll have your own crop of people disagreeing with everything you say. Congratulations.
Kudos on putting together an interesting list, and introducing me to a couple of events and photographers that I'd not yet seen, and further illuminating several that I already had.
I'll allow you artistic license on Einstein's uvula, because regardless of its accuracy, it was FUNNY. Anti-kudos to the nit-pickers among us.
Who else has the right to say what should be included on YOUR list? None, I submit. Although I have to say I was deeply and profoundly moved by the image Self Immolation when I first saw it. It changed me, if not the world.
And to the naysayers: Start your own blog, post your own list, and wait for the loyal readers to show up. If you're interesting enough, you'll have your own crop of people disagreeing with everything you say. Congratulations.