Can't you crawl out of your tiny little box long enough to consider a perspective beyond such easily toppled straw-men? Not one of the books I mentioned denies the concentration of Jews as "enemies of the state" (the enigma code was broken by the Jewish-owned Allies with the help of a Jewish spy) into camps. None denies that the Germans tattooed prisoners as a failsafe method of registry which prevented the breakup of families among millions of other prisoners in the chaos of all-out war. None denies that Jews died, or even that undeserving families of Jewish partisans were shot by the hundreds as reprisals for savage terrorism on the eastern front.
However, these books do challenge with devastating effect the notion that the Germans systematically murdered people, specifically with poison gas. Anne Frank died at Auschwitz from Typhus, transmitted by lice. In an effort to combat louse-borne Typhus, the Germans shaved prisoners' heads and fumigated clothing, mattresses, etc. with a product called Zyklon B. This is admitted by the modern establishment. The *real* gas chambers the Germans used for this purpose can be seen at Dachau, which is no longer alleged to be a "death camp" because critical scientists could access it during the cold war. These gas chambers are equipped with all the features of a modern penal execution chamber: steel walls, peep-holes, ventilation systems. The "gas chambers" at Auschwitz are a laughable fraud: drafty rooms. The Jewish Holocaust "denier" David Cole secured undercover footage of Auschwitz head curator F. Piper privately admitting to a fellow Jew that these "gas chambers" were post-war Soviet propaganda mock-ups, just as phony as the dozens of "holocaust" and "6 million killed" allegations leveled by New York Jews at the Germans and others BEFORE Hitler came to power (jaw-droppingly documented in THE FIRST HOLOCAUST, another *truly* BANNED book).
Thousands of other wild allegations were made, from human soap to human skin lampshades, and these have finally been admitted to be lies by the establishment. Why? Because it is so easy to simply test the artifacts. Auschwitz, however, is off-limits. This legend is the foundation stone of the state of Israel; it has financed 95+% of Israel's state infrastructure, including its massive arsenal of nuclear weapons. It is the legend that protects the critical immunity of the west's media barons, essentially all of whom are Jews, and where they aren't, their content directors are. Anybody who dares cross these people is hounded from his job, shunned by his colleagues (including the cowards who agree with him behind closed doors), and imprisoned. The effect is the drastically disproportionate and fantastic representation of early 20th century history.
Consider the Holodomor, in which tens of millions of mostly Ukrainian Christians were murdered by the Jew Lazar Kaganovich and his Jewish NKVD deputies. He told his nephew-biographer in the late 80s "Whatever is best for the Jews. Let only that guide your actions." And he did. The reason we never hear of him or his crimes is that the Ukrainians do not own Hollywood, they do not occupy and intimidate our parliaments and academies, our publishing houses, etc. And nor would they try, as their religion is open to all, not only some "chosen" few. I am not a Christian, but I admire the beauty if its compassion and love. Judaism, despite its brilliant public spin, is a religion of tribal unity and hatred. According to its holiest text, the Talmud, Jesus is in hell boiling in his own excrement. (Tractate Gittin 57a) And though I am quite sincere and entirely friendly to strangers, you say I should be there with him.
YOU, the television-lobotomized, hoodwinked Briton are the reason Britain criminalizes thought. Free Simon Sheppard and Luke O’Farrel! They are true Englishmen, by the standards of when England was English.
For a mind-blowing explanation of Jewish rule, read UCLB Professor Kevin MacDonald's THE CULTURE OF CRITIQUE.
For a mind-blowing explanation of the origins of WWII, Israel, the lies about Hitler and Germany, read speeches by Jewish hero Benjamin Freedman. The man was one of the top Zionists in the world, an advisor to several US presidents, a true power broker in 20th century Zionist destruction of Western civilization. One day he defected, and spent the rest of his life and massive fortune telling the truth. Your view of the world will never be the same.
Very nice, but just as I scratched my head in wonder at "banned book reading" displays at my high school and university, I must ask: what of the *truly* banned books, not the sexually "liberating" tomes of yesterday that subverted western decency norms re all things considered depraved by less-than-puritans, I mean the texts that earn stiff prison sentences across Europe, Canada and elsewhere *right now*? These all seem to surround the ceaselessly (and brilliantly) establishment-obfuscated and titanically politically implicative subject of the "holocaust" or its legendary "gas chambers" and, to a lesser extent, that subject we just don't have the nerve to confront honestly: race. Examples: Germar Rudolf's Dissecting the Holocaust: The Growing Critique of "Truth" and "Memory;" Jürgen Graf's The Giant with the Feet of Clay; or Professor Faurisson's devastating critique of Pressac's Technique and Operation of Auschwitz Gas Chambers. The tribe that pushed The Catcher in the Rye is now the unrivaled ruling class, rendered uniquely immune to criticism (and uniquely served by middle east wars) by the legends these books challenge. Instead of forever reminiscing about exaggerated and ultimately harmless book bans of yesterday, let us talk about the books we aren't allowed legal access to TODAY.
You forgot to mention that he was a shameless plagiarist, including as it concerns the works he is most esteemed for. Had the Germans won WWII, we'd be worshipping the true (Italian and ethnic German) developers of his theories...
However, these books do challenge with devastating effect the notion that the Germans systematically murdered people, specifically with poison gas. Anne Frank died at Auschwitz from Typhus, transmitted by lice. In an effort to combat louse-borne Typhus, the Germans shaved prisoners' heads and fumigated clothing, mattresses, etc. with a product called Zyklon B. This is admitted by the modern establishment. The *real* gas chambers the Germans used for this purpose can be seen at Dachau, which is no longer alleged to be a "death camp" because critical scientists could access it during the cold war. These gas chambers are equipped with all the features of a modern penal execution chamber: steel walls, peep-holes, ventilation systems. The "gas chambers" at Auschwitz are a laughable fraud: drafty rooms. The Jewish Holocaust "denier" David Cole secured undercover footage of Auschwitz head curator F. Piper privately admitting to a fellow Jew that these "gas chambers" were post-war Soviet propaganda mock-ups, just as phony as the dozens of "holocaust" and "6 million killed" allegations leveled by New York Jews at the Germans and others BEFORE Hitler came to power (jaw-droppingly documented in THE FIRST HOLOCAUST, another *truly* BANNED book).
Thousands of other wild allegations were made, from human soap to human skin lampshades, and these have finally been admitted to be lies by the establishment. Why? Because it is so easy to simply test the artifacts. Auschwitz, however, is off-limits. This legend is the foundation stone of the state of Israel; it has financed 95+% of Israel's state infrastructure, including its massive arsenal of nuclear weapons. It is the legend that protects the critical immunity of the west's media barons, essentially all of whom are Jews, and where they aren't, their content directors are. Anybody who dares cross these people is hounded from his job, shunned by his colleagues (including the cowards who agree with him behind closed doors), and imprisoned. The effect is the drastically disproportionate and fantastic representation of early 20th century history.
Consider the Holodomor, in which tens of millions of mostly Ukrainian Christians were murdered by the Jew Lazar Kaganovich and his Jewish NKVD deputies. He told his nephew-biographer in the late 80s "Whatever is best for the Jews. Let only that guide your actions." And he did. The reason we never hear of him or his crimes is that the Ukrainians do not own Hollywood, they do not occupy and intimidate our parliaments and academies, our publishing houses, etc. And nor would they try, as their religion is open to all, not only some "chosen" few. I am not a Christian, but I admire the beauty if its compassion and love. Judaism, despite its brilliant public spin, is a religion of tribal unity and hatred. According to its holiest text, the Talmud, Jesus is in hell boiling in his own excrement. (Tractate Gittin 57a) And though I am quite sincere and entirely friendly to strangers, you say I should be there with him.
YOU, the television-lobotomized, hoodwinked Briton are the reason Britain criminalizes thought. Free Simon Sheppard and Luke O’Farrel! They are true Englishmen, by the standards of when England was English.
For a mind-blowing explanation of Jewish rule, read UCLB Professor Kevin MacDonald's THE CULTURE OF CRITIQUE.
For a mind-blowing explanation of the origins of WWII, Israel, the lies about Hitler and Germany, read speeches by Jewish hero Benjamin Freedman. The man was one of the top Zionists in the world, an advisor to several US presidents, a true power broker in 20th century Zionist destruction of Western civilization. One day he defected, and spent the rest of his life and massive fortune telling the truth. Your view of the world will never be the same.