nc 1's Comments

Actually, Zeytoun, your point re: Hittites/Mesopotamians is fully congruent with my own thesis that 17th century Edo culture indeed has roots in that of Caucasoid peoples (to include these groups, as well as the Egyptians and later Arabs). For what it's worth, the earliest metallurgy dates to 40,000 BC in Spain, a much colder and more Nordic place at the time, long before it appears outside of Europe. Forgive my defense of my own kin, but I find myself quite lonely in objecting to the virtual rule that any reference to ancient extra-European accomplishment be delivered with a disparaging remark about Europeans. The favorite jab is to compare relatively recent mongoloid civilizations in Asia and the Americas to the simultaneous artificial depression of the European dark ages, conveniently forgetting the grandeur of Rome, Greece, and much earlier tribal technologies of central Europe, such as those found with the Nordic mummies of pre-China. If it's not a competition, then ask yourself why you only object to my defensiveness, and have never objected (be honest) to the undeniably incessant, PC assault on the achievements of us "whitish" creatures.
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Dang! I was hoping they’d show the hot white prostitutes he was with that night or the night before, as is well documented. Or maybe, since his family has arranged that his FBI records be permanently sealed to the public, they could shed light on his well-known (and questioned by rival civil rights activists) ploy of feigning “nonviolence” while simultaneously orchestrating the chivalrous riots that pioneered later ones by these liberated souls in LA and Cincinnati. It would have been fascinating to see some shots of him in the company of his KGB-financed communist handlers. Oops, we already have those (and of militant Marxist Rosa Parks). Best of all would be shots of him sneaking published theses of other scholars from the library for appropriation into large-scale, whole-text plagiarization of some postdoctoral thesis as he did with his first one. Come on, LIFE, get it together! lol
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Ugh. It seems to have excised my helpful guideline because I placed it n brackets.

Here it is:

Things comprise that which they are composed of. Nothing is ever "comprised of" anything.
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It's so trendy in recent years to misuse the word 'comprise' that new ways are thought up daily. Keeping in mind that the exalted, purportedly divine institution of Webster's Dictionary includes misuse of English words as definitions when such misuse surpasses proper use in frequency, here's a helpful guideline:

VonSkippy- The word 'blonde' is spelled with an 'e,' This non-typo belies the unique non-based-in-reality status of the racial stereotype that persons possessed of genes that code for fair hair are unintelligent. Of course, the irony is that the statistically blondest nations have statistically the highest IQs. Sorry, it's true.
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No mention of Germany's brilliant attorney Horst Mahler, who two weeks ago was sentenced to TWELVE YEARS IN PRISON for speech crimes. Then there's Sylvia Stolz, *court appointed* attorney for thought/speech criminal Ernst Zündel. Get this: Stolz is serving three years in prison right now for illegal words she spoke in court in defense of her client Ernst Zündel (in his trial for speech crimes). That's right: in Germany, as in France, Switzerland and even Canada, it is illegal to question any aspect of the "Holocaust" story upon which the current world power distribution (notably Israel's regional hegemony and the wars its AIPAC lobby and Jewish media barons have us fighting in support of it) pivots and hinges. It is so illegal in fact that even one's court-appointed attorney can be imprisoned if in his defense, she repeats any of the forbidden words. In Britain, we now have persons doing prison time for "racism." Not the *expression* of "racism," mind you, but for being proven to have "racist" thoughts.

George Orwell was right.

Oh, and Arbiton- the wiretaps you attribute to GWB were built on an "anti-terror" groundwork laid by Zio-puppet GWB's Zio-puppet buddy CLINTON and are continued by your presumably preferred Zio-puppet Messiah today.
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Admit it: you state the chart to be "crap" because of its tip-of-the-iceberg implications concerning agricultural meat.

Nothing sends the public into frothing, red-faced hysteria so much as the slightest criticism of the wisdom of factory flesh farming.

The energy/resources/pesticide impact/habitat loss, etc. per lb. of protein from flesh vs. lb. protein from vegetable sources is so colossal as to end the argument. That is, except for one and only one irrefutable carno-argument: meat tastes better, dangit!

Whether you believe in global warming or not, the environment your kids live in matters, and the single greatest thing you can do to help it is to go vegetarian. If you must have meat, hunt it yourself! I'll buy the beer.
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Neatorama: "With this art, you can get a true feeling of Africa before the arrival of the European."

Uh, no.

None of these pieces comes even close to predating extended contact between the Edo and the Portuguese. But far, far preceding this contact with the caucasoid world is the regional influence of Islam, and just as far preceding that is the massive influence (to which each of these styles, most demonstrably the relief and the rooster sculpture) of the largely European Carthaginians, who introduced metallurgy to the region encompassing modern Nigeria as early as 500BC, significantly more than 2,000 years before you say the (evil?) Europeans "arrived."

Since every mention of an achievement of non-Europeans must be couched in a snide jab at the European peoples, I don't mind taking subjective license. In these photos, the art is removed from its equally earthen environment and set into a the contrasting context of a clinical, modern gallery. This profound juxtaposition pleases the beholder's eye more than the art, which is only striking in a subconsciously presumed abstract sense unintended by its creator.
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I know of a high school class in Germany that did this a year or more ago following seeing some middle age American suburbanites do it HERE on neatorama.
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What a surprise to see everybody spitting venom at an ideological minority whose conscientiousness extends beyond her own body.

I am no PETA member. I support subsistence hunting and fishing. We don't understand enough about the brain to firmly conclude that subtracting flesh from the environmental equation presumed by our DNA is wise.

Still, none of you couch surfing football fans could argue with this woman's breakdown of the environmental and economic impact of utterly unnecessary factory farming, even setting aside the incomprehensible magnitude of its inherent cruelty to millions upon millions upon millions [...] of pigs alone. The mere ratio of energy and pollution required to produce a pound of protein from beef versus from vegetables would be sufficient to send you off in a huff, frantically googling for some contrived rebuff.

The mere existence of so convicted a critic of your habit of packing every last sinus cavity with yet another BK bacon quadra-stack cheese-burger sends you all into a fit of insecure hysterics.

Have a look in your mirrors.

PS @ Polx: so you're saying the Reichsarbeitdienst didn't elevate the status and living standard of workers to 10 times that enjoyed by any Marxist state? Try thinking , be it TV or the JudeoMarxist establishment university.

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I'm impressed by my fellow readers' contempt for this long-tired, ironically prejudiced/stereotyping tone. Analogously, I'm 33, and thinking back to 1980, I can hardly remember a single teacher that didn't speak of establishment "racism" as if he/she were the sole exception. Ironically, in this day and age, the reverse stereotype is the true norm. Example: I am a white racist. I believe race is as significant a biological taxon as species, and I am honest about my ethnocentric tendency as a European person. But I still like sushi, I hang out with my region's only Tibetan Lama, I speak more than one language, appreciate beauty inherent in other cultures, and travel to obscure lands.

Despite being labeled a "white supremist(sic)" by tiny-minded thought police in college, I have a great friend in the guy in the cubicle next to me: My Chinese co-worker is 29 and grew up in Hong Kong, which is relevant to another point in this piece. He's a great guy, highly intelligent to boot, and particularly charming for his candid emphasis of the widespread nature of dog/cat consumption in Greater China (incl. Taiwan). He loves to regale us with such tales. But more importantly, he emphasizes the essentially universal belief in CTM (Chinese Traditional Medicine)-based principles such as that meat is healthier and more delicious if the animal suffered more in life and especially in death. Despite ten years in the US, he still is frankly perplexed at the disconnection by which we don't understand that an animal's pain is not /our/ pain. The Chinese have long thought Europeans quite barbaric for their identification with animals and their worship of the wilds.

I suppose a Chinese street vendor nonchalantly skinning a cat alive while loudly arguing the weight of cabbage can be compared with American rural novelty game such as Alligator, but less so when we grasp that it is no hateful slur to state the reality that the Chinese basically eat anything that moves. It is a simple, unfortunate truth that greater China's predilection for exotic flesh facilitates the release of potentially deadly viruses from one species' "biomass" into another's, and eventually ours (certain notorious marketplaces are where each and every new influenza virus is born, for example). This careless Pandora's-box effect will be much more than a matter of cruelty or cultural novelty when the wrong critter's cage sits atop the wrong critter's cage, and the resulting viral concoction finds its way into us all.
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I went to swat you all down for taking offense from her (entirely sensibly, use your brains) stereotyped rendition of your respective accents, but then discovered I am jaded by sharing a local accent with her! But then again, I had an english accent as a child and many family members with different German accents, all of which she nailed, so poo on you jerks! :D Ms. Walker, that was fabulous!
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