nc 1's Comments

Another ripoff of Charlie, but not as shameless as some. But hating graffiti and hiphop culture as he does, I suppose this is fair game. Let's see them hand-paint it instead of using decals.
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Dearest Carlo- I'm not a Christian, please do not presume my belief in any supernatural account of the events surrounding the fate of the human known as Jesus. But the independent history, as reliable as any other from the period, is that he was killed by the only people he ever fought: the money lending Jews, who despite Roman occupation acted as co-authorities in the area. An occupying force such as these Romans rarely enjoys sufficient power to totally abandon diplomacy, and Jews seem to have a knack for working within and manipulating prevailing systems to do their bidding, just as they have US troops shedding their blood to preserve Israeli hegemony in the middle east. Roman soldiers were tasked with carrying out the judgment these Pharisees alone sought. In the Jews' own holy Talmud, Sanhedrin 43a, it is stated: out of deference to the Romans' concern for Jesus' welfare, a pretense of an argument on Christ's behalf had to be mounted by the Sanhedrin because Jesus had "close connections with the non-Jewish (Roman) authorities who were interested in his acquittal." At Gittin 57a, the name of Jesus is rendered as "sinner of Israel," boiling for eternity in excrement.

But you are more wrong when you state that the same arguments as my own were used to "justify" the "death camps." Nobody ever tried to "justify" a "death camp" because nobody was ever aware of a camp fitting this postwar Jewish propaganda buzzword. Concentration camps, also known as prisons, existed in German territories, just as they did here, though conditions were far worse in a region besieged by war and starvation, targeted for total infrastructure breakdown by allied bombs.

The difference between "nazi" propaganda (posters on walls) and Jewish propaganda (virtually all postwar, pre-internet western entertainment, news and academic media remotely relevant to Jewish interests) is that the "Nazis" actually believed theirs.

I apologize for such heavy-hearted commentary on Neatorama. I adore this website, loving things neat as much as the rest of you; that Star Wars laugh track video, for example, had me in tears yesterday. But please see things from the perspective of a member of an ethnic group collectively maligned, persecuted and deliberately 'genocided' through immigration for use of a far-fetched weapon of mass destruction never found or proven to exist. There is nothing 'neat' about the 20th century Jewish experience in Ukraine, but it is everything offensive to what the Ukrainian people suffered at the hands of this tribe. Unfortunately, the Ukrainians don't dominate donations to both major political parties and thus OWN congress, they don't own the vast majority of the media and banking institutions and occupy the US professorate. If they did, we'd all know about the (real) Holodomor instead of the "Holocaust" (Dresden was a *true* Holocaust), and the world would be much, much, much more peaceful.
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“The chance of a Jewish person surviving at all [in western Ukraine] was less than 5 percent."

This should be viewed with reflection on three considerations:

(1) Like most Jewish adults in the region, and especially considering their well-developed cave bases, these were probably "partisan" fighters (terrorists), notorious for illegally "fighting" in civilian uniform and the savage mutilations of European (mostly German) soldiers that later prompted the many mass shootings of Jews on the eastern front that comprise 95+% of Jews that actually were murdered by the 3rd Reich rather than merely dying of typhus or starvation or fleeing to Palestine, Miami or LA along with millions of others.

(2) That the Ukrainians treated Jews especially badly can be better understood with reflection on the overwhelmingly Jewish leadership of Soviet communist organs, particularly the bloodthirsty NKVD. Only a few years before the war came to Ukraine, TENS OF MILLIONS of Ukrainian gentiles were murdered in a plot orchestrated by the Jewish nationalist NKVD chief Lazar Kaganovich, who told his New-Jersey-based nephew biographer "Whatever is best for the Jews, let only that guide your actions." His henchman were all Jews, and the Jewish nature of this greatest of all mass murders was as well understood as the Jewish nature of the betrayal of Spain to the Moors, the murder of Jesus Christ, the murder of the Polish elite at Katyn, the murder of the Romanovs, the outbreak of WWII, the purveyance of WWI, etc etc.

(3) It has only been since the total victory of Jewish-controlled forces over Europe in 1945, the "Frankfurt School" Jewish takeover of the US professorate and the near-total Jewish acquisition of western media (major television networks, newspapers, publishing houses, etc.) beginning shortly before that time, and the subsequent barrage of Jewish "holocaust" propaganda films, television programs, books, etc., etc., etc., that the Jews have come to be seen as great victims rather than the exact opposite. The Ukrainians were certainly not alone in resenting intense racial chauvinism for which Jews remain infamous outside of the TV-addled west, or the many hateful, uniquely exclusivist passages in their holy texts that describe non-Jews as animals. Despite the major mitigating effect of the internet and free access to forbidden ("hateful") truths, the 21st century can be seen as a continuation of the greatest PR-campaign in history, with the "gas chamber" WMD legend at its core.

The best way to understand the Ukrainian attitude toward Jews would be to begin with the writings of the once leading Zionist-turned-heroic defector Benjamin Freedman or, for a more modern context, the Jewish-born hero and world famous saxophonist Gilad Atzmon.
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(1) The Briitsh bombed civilians first.

(2) Belsen = vicious war propaganda upon which the world power distribution (in other words, ZIONISM) hinges, lie upon lie upon obfuscated truth upon lie protected from criticism by lengthy prison sentences is most nations ruled by Jewish media oligarchs and by career-crippling stigma in the US.

(3) The international Jewish nation started and emerged as the only victor of the war.

So there.

Before you tell me how "ignorant" I am or how your folks took you to Dachau and Anne Frank's house (a wee bit more complicated than that), do us both a favor and have a gander at the words of Jewish hero and defector Benjamin Freedman.
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Air drag is an enormous factor in fuel efficiency. Done correctly, this could result in drastic fuel savings. It could be done safely.
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So he got ripped off by a Samuel Levin. When you play ball with that tribe, it's only a matter of time before they shove the bat up your @##. According to chess titan Bobby Fisher, they have an "insane lust for other people's money." What's yours is really theirs. It's in the Talmud.
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The first time I met Jack Daws I drunkenly told him my idea for truly executing the point of that evening's theme. Two weeks later, a friend we have in common mentioned Jack's excellent idea -my idea. I emailed him and asked him to do me the courtesy of not ripping off my idea. He agreed.

A year or two later, I saw my vision showcased in a magazine, perfectly executed, exactly as I described it to him at that show opening.

The gold penny project is conceptual perfection; I wonder who thought of it.
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It was obvious from the first image of the balloon on TV that there was no child inside. The wispy movement of it through there air made it even more obvious. And yet millions of reasonably intelligent people didn't find that to be obvious. I am alternately taken back by the unexpected intelligence of everyday people I talk to or the sheer stupidity of intelligent people I know.
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THANK YOU for not saying that the Roscoe Wind Complex is "comprised" of 627 turbines.

Not sure the last time I actually heard/read the correct word (composed) used.

For those who don't get it:

The Roscoe Wind Complex is composed of 627 turbines.


The Roscoe Wind Complex COMPRISES 627 turbines.

Nothing is ever "comprised of" anything.

Thanks again! ...Really.
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No, Kate, the Canadians are NOT more sensible. At least, they won't be in my view until the exhaustion of all of the establishment's appeals and challenges to Athanasios Hadjis' recent ruling declaring the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal's relentless assault on "hate" speech to be unconstitutional. Until then, the Canadian government will still be prosecuting people who publish truths the ruling tribe (same tribe as in every other western nation) fears, and thus has smeared with the Orwellian label of "hate."
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It's amazing to observe the hatred that gushes forth whenever this family is discussed. Since the same antidepressant-addled, dysfunctionally-raised urban lib-tards who loathe and despise this kind, polite family would never express the same contempt for a MEXICAN WOMAN with thirteen children (or any of her eight sisters with just as many), the glaring double-standard would seem to suggest that that the Duggar-hatred is based at least partly in ENVY. YOUR parents could hardly raise three kids without turmoil, debt and failure, and yet these people do it with a smile.


Right now, the problem isn't just too many people, it's also TOO FEW of the RIGHT people, the sort who can actually support themselves, behave civilly, roll up their sleeves and solve the sort of problems we'll be up to our necks in thanks to wild breeding of human garbage. Or do you insist that you actually care about overpopulation? Then have a look at NUMBERSUSA. Or go tell it to a charity that feeds third-world children whose parents cannot.

Ironically, the people who *conscientiously* 'opt-out' of reproduction are the ones with the GENES that code for a conscientious disposition. The same genes tend to code for the sort of ingenuity that precipitated the last few hundred years' technology explosion, and the sort of ingenuity we'll need to manage this planet as the THIRD WORLD applies that technology ever more recklessly.

Seems "HATE" is OK as long as it's directed at Whitey.
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Home-invasion robberies (and many other violent crimes) skyrocketed in Australia when all firearms were banned. Home-invasion gangs (overwhelmingly Asian and Middle Eastern immigrants) know that only their fellow criminals have firearms. This woman was lucky. Her attackers were weak and young. Also, not all 72yo women are former Olympic athletes (nor lesbians with the bodies and attitudes of 72yo men).
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@twpk- this is a breakdown of *elements* in the body, not molecules (such as water) formed from billions (if not trillions) of different combinations of those elements.
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