As an Iraq vet I'll attest to the insanity that is urban Iraq. These guys were doing the right thing by observing ROE that protected their own forces. You do NOT sit and wait for the traffic in a combat zone. I was a turret gunner on a deuce-and-a-half, and I'll tell you, the scariest times were when we slowed down or stopped.
"# AK-00 Says: January 28th, 2007 at 6:05 am
This is why no-one likes US troops. The only thing you can trust them to do is cover their own asses, first and foremost."
We cover our own asses and the ones of our comrades because it is clear that asshats like you never will even be able to cover yourselves, let alone anyone else.
I don't support the war. That's why I had to get out after the first tour. What really gets me are the people who live their nice comfortable lives, have had to sacrifice nothing, and dump on the soldiers for doing what soldiers do. If you're that opposed to what they are doing, you should have protested harder, written more letters, talked to more people, contacted your congressperson. You know, all the things that responsible citizen of a democratic republic are obligated to do in order to perserve their freedom, but most are too lazy or apathetic to.
"# AK-00 Says:
January 28th, 2007 at 6:05 am
This is why no-one likes US troops. The only thing you can trust them to do is cover their own asses, first and foremost."
We cover our own asses and the ones of our comrades because it is clear that asshats like you never will even be able to cover yourselves, let alone anyone else.
I don't support the war. That's why I had to get out after the first tour. What really gets me are the people who live their nice comfortable lives, have had to sacrifice nothing, and dump on the soldiers for doing what soldiers do. If you're that opposed to what they are doing, you should have protested harder, written more letters, talked to more people, contacted your congressperson. You know, all the things that responsible citizen of a democratic republic are obligated to do in order to perserve their freedom, but most are too lazy or apathetic to.