dekar's Comments

Did you guys know that 10% of Americans can trace their ancestry back to those who came here on the Mayflower. Can you imaging the gall of those 102 (+ one baby) that came here to escape persecution and live how they wanted to and most of all, be free. Imagine the selfishness of them greedy jerks who are now contributing to 10% of Americas carbon footprint and ultimately, global warming. If only they had decided to stay in Europe, where they could have lived their lives in misery and be persecuted for their beliefs, our world would be so much better off, and cooler too.

So for you idiots that are spouting off about Duggar carbon footprints and that other nonsense...just think. There is a one in ten chance that you would not be here today if the people on the mayflower had to live by the very guidelines you set for the Duggar family.
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So, the Duggar parents are horrible because they do not have the exact number of children that some hateful commentor says is the normal number? Then there are others saying that the children "are told what to believe, rather than developing their true beliefs". Well, being told what to believe is called GOOD PARENTING. Children need guidance and a strong family foundation built with love and respect for others. And it looks like these children are told properly on how to be a decent person. I'll bet that all of them grow up to become decent people and good parents themselves.

At least the kids aren't being told that they should run from the police or that they shouldn't trust another person based on their skin color, or that all of life's problems are due to racist attitudes of others.

As for the "carbon footprint" complaints. I would rather have hundreds of properly educated, well adjusted, respectful Duggars fill my world than even one "woe is me, I'm a victim of society, welfare sucking leach who was allowed to form their own beliefs due to bad parenting" child. If you really believe your carbon footprint nonsense, then please, do the right thing and don't have any children since they are obviously killing the planet and as for yourself, if your own lifestyle is not "carbon neutral" for the sake of mother gaia, you need to stand by your beliefs and take care of that.

The Duggars are happy, healthy, and decent people supporting themselves and raising happy, healthy, decent children and you have a problem with this why?
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