hmm...'s Comments

>> "This law must not go through! Doctors will no longer try to save the lives of the ill and injured, instead just using patients for their parts!"

When there is a shortage this creates a huge incentive to break the law.
When there is a surplus exactly the opposite occurs.

>> "It's my body and I am going to take it with me since I can't take my money."

With all due respect but this makes absolutely no sense. Do you even realize how ridiculous this sounds?

>> "aside from religious reasons, I cannot fathom why anybody wouldn't be a donor"

Amen to that.
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Oh and I suppose that "food, clean water and sanitation" grows for free on the trees?

Funny thing going on here.
On the one hand it's clear that some people hate Bill Gates and will criticize anything he does.
On the other hand it seems they also expect him to solve every single problem on earth all at the same time.
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By giving her the attention we reward her for seeking it, so it's not only her fault.

And it's not just her; "pop culture" is littered with empty headed bimbos & mimbos.
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What's this? NWO convention going on here?

"The key thing, the most important fact that people should know and make sure other people know: As you save children under 5, that is the thing that reduces population growth. That sounds paradoxical. The fact is that within a decade of improving health outcomes, parents decide to have less children."
dixit Bill Gates.
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In the movie Idiocracy everybody in the future is a total moron.

Leave it up to plastic surgeons and everybody in the future will also look exactly the same.
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>> And if anyone is stupid enough to buy it, they should be beaten to death with sticks.

Why? What do I care what anybody else does with their money? If anything I'm amused at how some people are wasting their money.

What irritates me more about this is the fact that there are people with so much money to spare they don't even know anymore how to get rid of it and can waste it on stupid crap like this while there are people who have to work three jobs at the same time and still have trouble to make ends meet.
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>> Honey badgers? Aren't they the one's that go straight for the testicles?

They mention that also in an old QI episode: (go to 03m30s)

They also mention that it uses the Honeyguide bird to find honey and that in 2009 Scientific American said that pound for pound the Honey Badger is the worlds most fearsome land mammal.
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1) If I play music at top volume in the middle of the night, all night, every night; the police would be at my door. We live in a society.

2) >>Will the new rule penalize those in working-class neighborhood?

Why drag this into it? You could drag that into every single social issue if you wanted to. Sometimes this is justified, but not always.
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