hmm...'s Comments

"The teens who spent an hour seated and resting burned about the same amount of calories as the teens who played seated video games."

Doesn't this sound wrong to anybody?

"Gamers and television watchers both take in more calories in the absence of hunger,"

All very strange. I can believe television is boring and you start eating, but gaming is not boring or you wouldn't be doing it, it's not passive like TV.
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People have lost touch with reality. Why do people even put up with this make believe bullsh*t? If you want to taste bacon...

eat bacon.

(Even though it's gotten very hard to find good bacon anymore, but that's another story.)
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>> My understanding is that Jesus is considered a prophet by many Muslims, so that's not necessarily a bad thing, is it?

Maybe not, but tell that to the Israelis. Not to start a fight between religions here, just noting that they do not tend to get along well in many parts of the world.
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Not denying these findings, but I do know that Judit Polgár, the youngest of three sisters, turned out to be the best at chess. (They all played.)

I know that chess does not equal IQ and that this is anecdotal.
Still. ;)
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>> most readers would rather avoid the subject.

Must say I didn't read it with a lot of pleasure either.

>> Seriously people, pay attention to this advice and take it to heart.

Much easier said than done. One of the advice given is if a criminal is holding your child hostage and telling you to do something, you should not comply but run and try to get help as soon as possible.
He explains it more and it makes a lot of sense, but I don't see many people doing it.
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Cooked meat delivers more energy than raw meat. Not a sexy title I agree.

But your title is probably how a large percentage of the population will remember this story if it is presented to them in this way and illustrates what's wrong with a lot of modern media because that's what they do.

I admit that I was reeled in ready to respond to what had to be some bullsh*t story, you had me. ;)
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Not quite sure what Einstein meant exactly.
What I do believe is that saying there is some sort of life after death is delusional.
As far as I'm concerned there is nothing after death.
If that is too harsh for you just accept that we don't know. Why is this so hard to deal with for some people? And it gives yourself the possibility to mourn instead of believing we go to heaven, in which case we should celebrate death instead.
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If the school says that they accommodate all religions and it turns out that they don't there is some sense to the complaint.

But it seems to me that these religious institutions are merely scrambling to make themselves more legitimate by pretending to be open minded. I very much doubt that they really mean it and I very much doubt that it is ever really going to work. And as far as I'm concerned I don't even really see the need for this sort of absurd political correctness either. If I go to a vegetarian restaurant I don't expect there to be meat on the menu. I do expect them to allow other restaurants that do serve meat and not throw Molotov cocktails through their windows, that's another story.

And why is this lawyer meddling with this, shouldn't he leave it up to the Muslims to complain if they so desire? (Not that they should imo as should be clear.)

All very weird, but hey, it's religion, what did you expect?
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