hmm...'s Comments

>> just read a bit on Stuxnet and you might start to think otherwise

Yes, I have read about that. I'm not saying cyber warfare is not real. (Although I don't think they are targeting our printers.) I'm not saying they should not plug that security hole or any security hole that crops up in the software we use daily.

But Windows fixes one security hole or another EVERY WEEK. They don't issue terrorist warnings about those every time do they? It might be somewhat surprising that even a printer can be messed with through software or a virus, but that's about it. Other than that, there's nothing to see here.
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The original flash mobs were sometimes thrown out of the places they were holding them. So I expect flash mobs to be somewhat anti authority. The fact that they were not authorized was part of the charm.

So this one is not in the original spirit, but I can live with it. I wonder though how long it will take before marketeers take over this business completely and we see "flash mobs" for coca cola or something. In the end everything get's corrupted by marketing and consumerism.
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You can (still) see the entire documentary "Living in the Material World" by Martin Scorsese on YouTube.

George Harrison "Living in the Material World 1".Subt Esp.(1/3).
George Harrison "Living in the Material World 1".Subt Esp.(2/3).
George Harrison "Living in the Material World 1".Subt Esp.(3/3).
George Harrison "Living in the Material World 2".Subt Esp.(1/2).
George Harrison "Living in the Material World 2".Subt Esp.(2/2).
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1) What a load of trumped up scaremongering. Pretty much every electronic device can malfunction and cause damage. Cell phone or laptop batteries have been known to overheat and even explode, how's that for dangerous? (Oh and the title says "bomb" but the article says "burn paper". Make up your mind.)

2) Are we now supposed to be afraid that terrorists will cause our printers to malfunction? Seriously? Is this an article from The Onion?

3) Botnet and malware distributors are not interested in causing damage to the host they infect, let alone our printers.
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I tried googling whether or not it's true that you can claim free land in The Ukraine but all I got was Darth Vader stories.
Come on Google, get on the ball.
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>> taxes make people poor

I doubt that all of those countries with higher tax rates have higer poverty.

(Harder to compare poverty rates between countries because what's considered "poor" is different from country to country.)

When it comes to tax rates and whether or not they are acceptable it all depends on what you get in return.
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