hmm...'s Comments

@ Ryan S

Yes but how is this different from say a nose job?

Personally I think that if you think a nose job is going to fix anything; you are on the wrong track.

But in the end we all care how we look; or else we would be wearing old dirty rags as clothes.

We didn't choose the body we end up with, so why not change it to something we like more?
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PS: I don't have a TV and I don't buy magazines and I have ad blocking for my browser, so there is still stuff I can actually buy without feeling like a doll manipulated by advertising strings. ;)

(How people can still watch TV is beyond me. And if they cut off my internet I'll go back to books, I used to read 5 books a week before I got online.)
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The only way to make sure you are not just buying certain stuff because you happen to have seen some stupid ad is by deliberately NOT buying stuff if you remember seeing ads for it, which is what I do (if there is choice).
Before you say: but you'll be missing out on good stuff: it does not make a single difference. Most of the time you are actually saving money.
This does not take care of the stuff you do not remember seeing ads for, but what can you do.
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Yes and in my country this is not even considered weird. But we never had cowboys and indians, maybe that has something to do with it. (Not a "horse" culture, if that makes sense.)
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From what I gather from the article - they are rather vague about it - they might be intending this to replace regular milk, so not just for babies or babies alone.
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Let me rephrase: I'm not so sure people are generally more afraid of unlikely things. What I do know is that these unlikely things get a lot of press. Because they get a lot of press people start worrying about them. There is a difference.
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@ Ryan S

I am a smoker and I don't fear a terrorist attack.

So there. (Full disclosure: I do not live in the United States.)

(And yes I am aware that smoking is unhealthy. Everything you do has a certain risk. Driving a car is a risk, but you still do it right? And yes I know you are going to say that is a rationalization.)
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Wow, imagine seeing that looming on the road in front of you. :D

Which reminds me of the "The Bridge to Nowhere".
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C'mon, isn't that a bit too harsh?

PS: Not that the neatostaff needs it but comments can be misleading. People often only comment on the stuff they disagree with or the parts that they disagree with.
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>>Paging Dr Darwin .... Dr Darwin to ER ...... Dr Darwin to ER

That's the modern problem: these days they are keeping the idiots alive. Darwin is turning in his grave...

PS: Just saw the movie Idiocracy. ;)
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Lol & kudos to the doctor for keeping a straight face.

(I agree though that this looks like a set up. Even if it's real would you parade in front of national TV? Or maybe he really IS that dumb. Hmm.)
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