hmm...'s Comments

Very cool design.

Also interesting how the matryoshka principle or nested doll principle has gotten a new name. I have noticed that everything that is nested is now being called "Inception".
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Stuff like this always brings tears to my eyes.

From YT: "Ford commercials are getting clever."

"Not for nothing does she not notice the camera RIGHT infront of her?"
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I thought interstellar travel was impossible because you need to travel faster then light and traveling faster than light is against the laws of physics.
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After reading the link posted above by Rebecca Watson I can recommend EVERYBODY to read it. Neatoramo should have posted that one instead. Much more interesting.
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Yes, also the comments on the linked article tear this piece of scaremongering from the Daily Mail to pieces.

(Sounded somewhat plausible I must admit.)
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@ Frau

No I wasn't trolling, I was disagreeing with you. There's a difference.

Maybe you can keep kids quiet in a car, but on a school bus? And I want to be there when the teacher or bus driver starts the ride by saying: "no farting allowed!"

Your "reply" however qualified much better.

If you don't like me, fine, I don't expect to, I don't like everybody either. If you disagree with me, fine, just say so.
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@ Edward

The article was rather sparse on specific tips, but I think one message was to try to avoid "lose lose" situations and instead aim for "win win" scenarios.

It's not just haggling for the sake of haggling.

As the author said himself: "remember that every exchange with another human being is — in some way, shape, or form — a negotiation".
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>> What is with science's resent desire to poke holes in our life-boat that we call the universe?

They're just trying to recreate the game Half Life. It's like cosplay but the other way around. Now what's wrong with that? ;)
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