hmm...'s Comments

PS: Just watched the trailer and it's awful, doesn't do the movie justice. But at least it's not spoiling anything. I guess in 1991 they still knew how to make a trailer without giving the whole movie away.
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In the category 'tearjerker' I propose: Curly Sue (1991).

Largely forgotten and underrated imho. Ok, so maybe it's not Oscar material, but this one will not leave you cold, I can guarantee it.

(And nobody had to die, family movie, part comedy, do not spoil with trailers etc, just watch. ;))
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I don't buy the story about smelling the tears. Has this study been repeated? I think this study might be flawed and I am strenghtened in this opinion when I read they seem to be relying on pheromones which have not yet been proven to work for humans.
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@ crux: Interesting.

But your example is more easy to determine. When is a child too obese, this is a very blurry line. Also: too much food might be a symptom of too much love. In your example that case could not be made.
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@ GrouchieGrumbles: Nah, that would be even weirder.

This way the boobs form the forehead. Another idea might be to put a picture of Frankenstein's monster on it. :D
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If I had to give an opinion it would be that I think it would do more harm than good. How about some counseling for the parents instead of these drastic measures?

(And where do they draw the line? When the child is in immediate danger of dying: OK, but I would find it hard to believe there are a lot of such cases.)
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Most obvious objections are in the linked article already.

But he has a point when he says: "It's also no guarantee of success, but when we have a 400-pound child with life threatening complications, there may not be any great choices."
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1) Where in the study did it say that men who flirt are all creeps?

The article from The Atlantic Wire really goes overboard with this:

Title: "Creepy Men Who Flirt at Work Hate Their Lives"

First two sentences: "We always knew the creeps had it coming. The British Psychological Society reports that men who flirt at work, (also known as sleaze balls) tend to be less satisfied at their job."

Wow, just wow.

2) Isn't pretty much EVERYBODY unsatisfied with their job or bored at work?

3) There might be a correlation, but is there causation? Another study may find that people with yellow ties have bad job satisfaction. Or whatever.
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Too bad they are not putting this up for free but seem to be charging for the font.

Btw, I found articles talking about this font dating 2009, don't know why this is making the news now. (Apparently they used to offer it for free for personal use back then.)

There are other (some free) dyslexia fonts around:
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Didn't realize P.E. meant physical education. (Who's looking dumb now? ;) In my defense I'm not from the USA or an English speaking country.)

Still, I don't think public shaming is the way to go.
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