hmm...'s Comments

Norway Builds the World's Most Humane Prison.

(15 second Google search, If you want a better article on this you will have to search for it yourself.)
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@ XsTatiC: Yeah, I had cold sweats watching this.

But you should definitely try this one: (Was featured here before.)
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I watched 40 seconds of the video and thank god this is the first time I ever came into contact with this. And the last (knock on wood).

Nice boobs though.
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Almost all TV shows use this these days, for quite a while now.

I was watching some episode from Covert Affairs the other day. Because the show was so uninspiring I started checking how many scenes used green screen. Turned out almost EVERY SINGLE ONE! No joke. Pretty unbelievable.

But it explains to an extent why the show feels weird. The actors can never react with the environment, they are always sort of floating in front of the background and you get a lot of short shots (because there is nowhere for them to go), which gets boring and artificial after a while.
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@ XsTatiC: Yeah, I had cold sweats watching this.

But you should definately try this one: (Was featured here before.)

Or this one:
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Yes, that did sound snobbish. To be honest I don't really thing geeks are smarter. (How do you define geek anyway.) I was just trying to look for an explanation really. And I don't consider myself a geek either, unless not using IE counts.
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I highly doubt that it's trapped. It landed on the windshield wiper out of it's own volition. Birds perch on branches (or wires) swinging in the wind all the time.
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The lottery IS NOT a tax on the stupid.

If it is: every single "risk" you take would be a "tax on the stupid".

You take risks all the time. Life is basically one big succession of one risk after another.

Of course there are bad risks and good risks to take. Buying a lottery ticket for the price of one million dollars hoping to win one and a half would be a bad risk (keeping the same odds in mind of regular lotteries). Paying ten buck to have a chance of winning several millions is worth the risk. Maybe not for everybody, but it's definitely not a stupid bet to take considering the possible winnings.
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Apart from what has been said already:

First: I am skeptical about the methodology. I'm not sure this "study" would hold up to proper scientific scrutiny.

Second: The consensus in geek circles is that IE is pretty much the worst browser to choose from. In that respect it is no surprise that IE scores badly. (Yes, I am assuming the average IQ in "geek circles" is above average.)

PS: The results might be skewed because a lot of senior citizens (or others) are probably using IE because they don't have enough experience with computers or matters related to IT or just don't care. That does not mean they are more stupid.
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Or in other words: there is no purpose or goal behind it. It may look like there is, but there isn't. It may have the effect that you described, but that would just be a coincidental consequence.
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@ whitcwa

Correct me if I'm wrong but evolution doesn't work that way. It's basically survival of the fittest. Every living organism is in perpetual competition with every other living organism. Random mutations create different variations, the variations that out-compete the competition survive.
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You never know when you are going to be accused of a crime. You may be totally innocent, but these days "innocent until proven guilty" does not hold up anymore. Just for this reason alone I might be interested in this.

(Not that this is anything new, there already exist systems to continuously record video from a first person perspective, so I don't quite get why this is such a big deal.)
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