hmm...'s Comments

I think it's because of the same reason letters in words do not have to be in their correct order to understand. Like in this sentence:

Teh qciuk bworn fox jpmus oevr the lzay dog.

You don't use a spell checker?
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Why bother the general public with this? It's not our fault.

Like how the big bang wasn't really a big bang. Not our fault. Some dufus scientist made that up and now we're stuck with it. So deal with it smart alecks; it's your own fault.

Also I don't care.
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You know what's retarded? A million "notes" saying: "so-and-so liked this" or "so-and-so reblogged this".

Retarded. So retarded I had to comment on it to get it out of my system.

The internet is great and all, but the amount of data out there that is just totally and utterly useless and meaningless is beyond comprehension.
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Richard Wilkinson (Who wrote: "The Spirit Level: Why Greater Equality Makes Societies Stronger"):

"Great Britain - this is statistically proven - is one of the most unequal countries of the western world. In London the richest 10% have 250 times the wealth of the poorest. Social mobility is very small in this country, the smallest of Europe. Who is born in a backwards community is virtually doomed to also die there. For one thing because proper education costs a fortune, and because companies literally do not even look at the solicitation letters of young people from such neighborhoods. Once poor, always poor. There is no way out of the misery. Does that make it ok to vandalize the shops? No, of course not. But it helps to see things in it's proper context."

It goes on. (And get's worse, but you get the picture.)

Saying the vandals have no morals may be true. But the same - and worse - can be said about all the banking scandals. Some of these guys destabilize whole countries. And they get away with multimillion dollar bonuses.
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In what world is teaching tolerance indoctrination? (from the article)

The fact alone that this creates so much controversy is very indicative of how in-tolerant we still are.

@ Dallas: You create more problems by overprotecting children. You think kids can't handle a gay couple? Please.
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Another thing that struck me today. I was flipping trough the channels on somebody else s TV (I don't own one). And while I was going trough a bunch of American stations (some "Discovery" and "History" channels and some others, I'm in Europe mind you) something struck me: ever single one was about war (old or new), weapons or violence in one way or the other.

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That rehabilitation works better than just punishment (in whatever from) should not be any surprise if you have half a brain and bother to think about it for one second.

To quote Homer: "D'oh!".
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You have a good memory. :)

To sum it up: they are trying to focus on rehabilitation and their recidivism rates seem to suggest it works.

"Within two years of their release, 20% of Norway's prisoners end up back in jail. In the U.K. and the U.S., the figure hovers between 50% and 60%."

Recidivism Rate In Norway
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