hmm...'s Comments

Hulu is not an exception. You run into this sort of thing often on the internet. I understand that these media companies do not want to give away for free entire episodes of current popular sitcoms for example. But an ancient SNL clip? How do they intend to make money from this overseas in the future?
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"Sharks are found in all seas. They generally do not live in freshwater, with a few exceptions such as the bull shark and the river shark which can swim both in seawater and freshwater." [Thx Wikipedia :D)
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Oh! And now that I'm at it: all that unhealthy food that's invaded Europe and the rest of the world (fast food, soft drinks with more sugar than water, potato chips, all sorts of other candy food), guess where it all came from. That's right: the good ol' US of A. Thanks for nothing.
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Now that Denmark did it all over in Europe countries are considering or doing fat taxes too:
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I find this a bit strange too but from what I gather (and as a french guy said) this fits into a larger "eat healthy" campaign. And it also seems like they are trying to protect their culinary culture. (Just like they are very protective of their language, they don't allow foreign words into french and invent their own alternatives instead. A lot of languages for example just use the word "computer", the french use "ordinateur".)

The French bashing every chance they got really get's on my nerves though. (And I'm not even French.)

>> "And they wonder why they are stereotyped as smarmy jackasses."

Have you ever even been to France? What do you know about the French? Let me make a wild guess: NOTHING.

But hey, I can play that game too:
(no nudity but probably nsfw)
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In case anybody is wondering, you don't really need to be able to figure out or understand all the timelines to enjoy the movie. This charting the timelines is just geek timewasting.
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The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything, and have nothing better to do than write annoying posters.
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I'm still amazed how YouTube sucks in so many ways. Their view count is totally worthless. They don't have a proper way to display all videos by account. Comments sorting is borked. Searching is bad. (Searching through Google Video is sometimes more efficient, wtf? they are owned by Google.) Even video playback is broken. (Start video, then maximize restarts video because resolution changes, change resolution to something decent again forces restart, so that's THREE f*cking restarts.)

Quit video as soon as that autotune "singing voice" hit my ears. I don't need that sort of torture, thx.
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Yeah, maybe I should start leaving notes for myself too. This will make my favorite occupation - which is procrastination - even more pleasurable.
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Nice deep radio voice. (The girls loove it I hear.) But yeah, I quit half way through. Only for the fans I would say.

And nobody ever thinks about the bees. Bee Movie. See it, it's not too bad.
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From Fat Nutrition - Nutrition, Function, Side Effects:

"SATURATED FATS These are the biggest dietary cause of high LDL levels ("bad cholesterol"). When looking at a food label, pay very close attention to the percentage of saturated fat and avoid or limit any foods that are high. Saturated fat should be limited to 10% of calories. Saturated fats are found in animal products such as butter, cheese, whole milk, ice cream, cream, and fatty meats. They are also found in some vegetable oils -- coconut, palm, and palm kernel oils. (Note: Most other vegetable oils contain unsaturated fat and are healthy.)"

Most articles I have been reading so far share the view that saturated fats are not so healthy. Are they all wrong? It's possible, but I'm skeptical.

Whether or not this tax will make the citizens of Denmark eat healthier is another question. The tax on cigarettes didn't make everybody stop smoking, but without those taxes A LOT more people would have. Cigarettes would be dirt cheap without taxes. "One of the reasons that public health officials support cigarette tax increases is because many studies show that this leads to a decrease in smoking rates." (Cigarette taxes in the United States.) Another way this might work is that food manufacturers will switch to food with less saturated fats if they notice a decline in profits.

Personally I think this is a step in the right direction, but it should be accompanied with measures that promote healthy eating.
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