hmm...'s Comments

@ ted
Not quite sure what you mean but let me explain what I was thinking:

In the Adam and Eve story the snake represents evil. The snake tempts Adam and Eve with fruit from the three of knowledge. By giving in to temptation of the snake Adam and Eve brought sin into the world.

In the modern day version the bank is the snake, as represented by the snake hiding in the bank. The snake (bank) temps us with money. By giving in to the temptation of the snake (bank) we bring evil into the world.

That is all. I thought it was quite fitting. Banks ARE evil after all. ;)
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A snake in a bank, why am I not surprised? ;)

"Christians believe that when Adam and Eve sinned in Eden and turned away from God they brought sin into the world and turned the whole human race away from God. The doctrine absolves God of responsibility for the evils that make our world imperfect by teaching that Adam and Eve introduced evil to a perfect world when they disobeyed him. An alternative understanding of the story of the fall emphasizes that Adam and Eve did wrong because they 'gave in' to the temptation of the serpent in the Garden of Eden."


PS: I am an atheist.
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That article on Cracked has 1627 Comments (at the time of writing this). Are there people who read all of those? And did Cracked get to that point by censuring all "negativity"? ;) They do allow to sort by number of votes, which makes the up/down voting thing somewhat useful. :)
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It's not the first time other groups have pretended to be Anonymous, see:
'Invade Wall Street': Occupy Wall Street's Evil (And Probably Fake) Twin.

Mexico: Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt over Anonymous' #OpCartel

(Sorry for the split comment but it wouldn't go through otherwise.)
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Anybody can call themselves Anonymous.
I don't see any mention of this in their latest press releases.
(Though of course even the validity of those can be questioned as well.)
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Just today there was an article about this in my local newspaper. (I'm in Europe.) They've been doing information campaigns for years and years and years. Zero effect.

Use the revenue from the fat tax to make healthy food cheaper.

(PS: I'm not a health expert, but there IS an obesity epidemic in pretty much every western country in the world. In my country more than 50% of the population is overweight.)

European Union project probes effectiveness of healthy eating campaigns
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Iconic indeed. It's been ripped off a million times already. (Or so it seems to me.)

Zack Hemsey: I am not Hans Zimmer.
Inception Trailer #3.
(Didn't know that. Thx Alex & wikipedia. :))
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>> Never did understand why there was a need to sexify everything for Halloween.

It's a general trend. Compare the media, movies, TV, advertising, music etc to 50 years ago and it's clear that we live in different times. Sexier times. We can debate whether this is a good thing or a bad thing.

But this is cosplay. Fantasy. The girls are sexy and the guys are muscular, both to the extreme more often than not. It goes with the genre, it's what we fantasize about (apparently) if there is no real world realism to restrict us. But to be fair I agree that most of the examples went too far with the sexiness.

Apart from that I don't really think these costumes are so idiotic or nonsensical though. The originals they are based on do not exist in the real world. You can't say something makes no sense if the original it's based on makes no sense either. What if the inventor from the movie Edward Scissorhands created a girl instead of a boy? She might have looked like the girl in the picture.
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Those are some seriously kick ass costumes.

Say what you want but I think that if everybody in the world was into this sort of thing there wouldn't be any wars, except maybe for pretend battles with cardboard swords or something.

Cosplayers get a bad rap but undeservedly imo, they take themselves way less seriously than the people who diss them, AND they have a sense of humor, see:
(Not that Joe takes himself seriously either.)
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No matter what happens, it's always us who are left holding the short end of the stick (to keep it civil).

Do we need more proof that the financial/banking system we have in place today does not work? This is getting absurd.
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>> "also for the criminals who prey on the protestors"

Huh? Please point out "the criminals" in this video, I'm confused:
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