Regardless of whether you've heard of moot of 4chan or not, you have probably felt 4chan's influence. Plenty of the slang used and things referenced in the real world by today's teenagers originated on 4chan.
Pit Bulls are without a doubt my favorite breed, and I say this having been in the middle of a fight between my own dogs and a pit bull who got loose, just wanted to play, scared the crap out of my dogs, and ripped a chunk of fur and skin off my one dog, resulting in surgery.
While I wish every dog could have a home, I also feel a small sense of satisfaction knowing that, because so many people seem to fear and hate pit bulls, I will have so many of the darlings to choose from when I finally adopt one of the little angels.
Pit bulls make my heart melt. Thank you for the positive post.
What, there aren't any purebreds in shelters? I admit I haven't been following this story, so maybe it says somewhere that it's not a shelter dog. But I love Portuguese water dogs, so it's all good by me. What sweethearts.
Oi. I work at a doggy daycare center and one of our regulars has a charming habit of vomiting up various articles of clothing. Usually socks, but occasionally underwear. Of course, he immediately replaces it by eating our bedding...
@ Gail Pink Rats aren't disease carrying vermin unless they live in disease infested areas. Like, say, sewers. If you got your rat from a pet shop and not off the street, you are fine. But you knew that already, right?
While I wish every dog could have a home, I also feel a small sense of satisfaction knowing that, because so many people seem to fear and hate pit bulls, I will have so many of the darlings to choose from when I finally adopt one of the little angels.
Pit bulls make my heart melt. Thank you for the positive post.
However, I feel like 4chan would have been a good candidate in 2008. 2009 I'm not so sure about yet.
Rats aren't disease carrying vermin unless they live in disease infested areas. Like, say, sewers. If you got your rat from a pet shop and not off the street, you are fine. But you knew that already, right?