For some to say its a sign of the End of the World well I think there are alot of other signs that are man made that you can say its the end of the world.The only sign here is a back up of a underground river. They need to go down in the sinkhole and route the stream or river and see what made it have a backflow or back pressure to cause a back up down . Also reinforce the ground around the sink and have every move away from it. But not a taxs payers cost
Here it is the true story what happen. It was a underground stream and yes a lot of towns are made on top of them and when the under ground stream becomes more than a stream like this one well you get sinkhole If you look and the dirt in the rim of the sink hole you will see wet dirty al most to the top of the whole . With the lack of proper drainage you will see alot more of this .hopeful not as bad as this one.
If you look and the dirt in the rim of the sink hole you will see wet dirty al most to the top of the whole . With the lack of proper drainage you will see alot more of this .hopeful not as bad as this one.