Cowboyshoe's Comments

Thanks for ruining my superhero dreams!

Now I know when the day comes that I can fly at supersonic speeds without the need to breathe I'll spend all day in space wondering, "Where the fuck am I?"
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This is not just a Korean phenomenon many beaches in Thailand look very similar.

The upside? You generally have someone with a restaurant cart every few meters that will provide waiter service to your umbrella all day long.
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$58,000 in medical bills for 2 broken toes!?!?
Last time I checked there wasn't anything you could do for broken toes other than wrap them. That's some expensive bandaging!
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I have a number of Thai friends who sport the afro hairstyle, and I know it is popular in Japan and Korea as well. Assuming that all depictions of the afro hairstyle are meant to be ridiculing Africans is your mistake, not the advertiser's.
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A 63 year old man who keeps 3 teenagers locked in his basement so they can help him put on his various costumes? What could anyone possibly find objectionable about that?
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Hey hey! Let's calm down the vitriolic rhetoric a moment and I think we can all find common ground in the fact that the article at the link above, featuring what are libraries or what are not, is pretty weak and uninteresting and beneath the standards of quality we usually expect from Neatorama.
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  • Member Since 2012/08/04



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