Addendum: according to Wikipedia, The Watchmen crater is Galle crater, and there is an image that actually shows the Smiley-faceness of it that predates the comic.
So if you believe Wikipedia, there is no coincidence to be cynical about.
Forgive me, but if this was real it would be a staggeringly unlikely coincidence; not least because the scene from Watchmen that this resembles was about staggeringly unlikely coincidences.
Since there is a Watchmen movie in production, pardon me if I am cynical. I'd love it if it was real, but...
So if you believe Wikipedia, there is no coincidence to be cynical about.
Since there is a Watchmen movie in production, pardon me if I am cynical. I'd love it if it was real, but...
This doesn't suprise me in the least.
They couldn't possibly be millstones?
Nobody is willing to use their brains (or eyes). They just want to follow the written procedure, because that way no-one gets blamed (or sued).