This is actually what you do when you buy a house with a leaky, old indoor pool that will cost almost as much a the theater installation to fix! That's why we did it. (That's our theater in the picture.) No one ever thinks about how much of anexpense an indoor pool is, especially if no one really wants to use it. Amazing how many people on various blogs have slagged us for doing this with the pool. But it gets 100 times the usage now as it did when it was a pool.
A cool thing the article never mentioned is that under all of this, the pool is completely intact. Except for the adhesive used to put carperting on the sides, the entire thing could be returned to a pool with about a week's work and some structural repairs.
A cool thing the article never mentioned is that under all of this, the pool is completely intact. Except for the adhesive used to put carperting on the sides, the entire thing could be returned to a pool with about a week's work and some structural repairs.