ottawarrior's Comments

Finally: Church in The Church of Satan?

This beer drinking reverend is a hack. Give me a break, Church is supposed to be something sacred. If a few stained glass windows and busts of Christ are too much to ask in this "21st century post-Christendom society", then at least hold it somewhere neutral. And by the way, if it really is a 'post-Christendom' society then who the hell cares anyways? Why don't you just meet up once a week on the weekend, get snowed and fornicate like everyone else in the civilized world.

How can you hold Church in a Pub!? I'm not even a practicing Christian and this upsets me a great deal, it upsets the memory in me of my cultural heritage and the moral principles that have guided our civilization for 2000 years. A Pub is a fine place for friends to meet and talk about their religious faith, but just about the worst place possible to meet for Church. Church is something separate, church is something sacred, and if you can't get the kids interested in the real thing, or at least some homogenized unsacrilegious version of it, you should give up.
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