Josh 4's Comments

Hope you enjoy giving your hard earned money to illegals though welfare and other services that they some how manage to be eligible for. Billions of dollars are given to illegals each year.

You people may support amnesty but I do not and never will. Doing so will only make it unfair for the people who actually tried and became a US citizen though the correct means.

I had a family friend hit by a truck driven by a illegal immigrant. He had no insurance, no drivers license nothing. Imagine trying to tell someone who speaks not a word on English that you rear ended a car with a woman who is pregnant. Hand gestures gave the message and the guy freaked out but all the repairs had to go though their insurance which in the end cost them more for insurance.
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If I decided to live in Mexico I would learn Spanish.

If you lived where I live you would understand where I am coming from. I am not even in the worst part. If I go south about 300 miles I will get looks as if I do not belong in that part of Florida.

The worst part of it there are lawyers protecting people smuggling illegal immigrants into south Florida.
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It is more like learn English or get out. Im tired of searching for English on packages anymore. Im tired of having to listen to Spanish options on phones. Im tired of seeing Spanish only advertising. I refuse to learn Spanish. Its time to kick out all of the illegal immigrants instead.

We are the easiest country to become a citizen of and there is no reason for people to illegally come here. They deserve to be deported and never allowed back here.
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@Mr. Jones
Yet the hole is in the southern hemisphere over Antarctica. There must to too many people using those Aerosol cans there. Isn't the ultraviolet radiation suppose melt ice? Why is Antarctica growing then? It must not be doing a very good job a melting it. Antarctica is growing faster than it can melt.

Yes climate change is the correct term. Human can change the environment but what we have seen the past 50 years has nothing to do with humans. It is a natural cycle of the Earth and anything we do to stop it will likely only make it worse. We do not even produce enough CO2 to heat the plant. We would need to increase production of CO2 by 100 fold to even make a difference.
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The UN is the one who started all of this. I know it is profitable. That is why the UN gets all of the crazy people together and vote global warming it real without having a single legitimate scientist or meteorologist present to vote against.

I just find it wrong for people like Al Gore to steal money from people for his own profit. And now the rumor is Obama went to Gores house and might ask him to take a cabinet seat.
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Were those cameras privately owned or government owned? Private businesses have their right to monitor people going to and from their business for their own protection so long is it does not go too far such as cameras in the bath room.

When the government does it, it is like they are treating all people as criminals. As Briannanna has said, crime has decreased significantly since the early 90's yet we have all those idiots on the news saying the opposite and the politicians claiming video games are corrupting the kids and making them more violent. It is the 60's all over again when they claimed music made people do drugs.

I accept security in specific situations. Putting them on public streets is taking it too far. Just like the cameras mounted on street corners that will give you a ticket without knowing all the facts. Those cameras will get you in trouble without knowing all the facts.
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The more control you give government the more control they will have over you. It will become the government owns you instead of you owning the government. Instead of being a citizen of the country you will be a slave of the country. They do not trust you so why should you trust them.
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The media lead them to believe him to be something he is not. That is why they supported him. If Obama was a Republican he would have never even came close in the primary elections. The media would have covered every tiny issue wrong with him and people would never vote for him.

The media chose McCain and Obama. I knew this from the start and before the primary elections took place. I didnt want to believe it but I knew Obama would win the general election because that is all the media talked about.

Wait until Israel is attacked and Obama does nothing to protect them. This will be his downfall.
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Palin was
4 years in city council
6 years as mayor
1 year in the oil and gas commission
2 years as governor

In each position she did nothing but positive things for her state.
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When Obama does sign the Fairness Doctrine (imo Unfairness Doctrine) he will be censoring radio.

Censoring free speech goes against the first amendment.

The whole purpose of the Fairness Doctrine is to silence conservative radio.

Obama is not for free speech anyways. He tries to destroy anything that makes him look bad.

"When Chicago radio station WGN scheduled journalist Stanley Kurtz to talk about Obama's ties to unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers, the Obama campaign recruited 100,000 supporters to act in a cult-like manner and besiege the station with protests.

When "Joe the Plumber" questioned Obama about his plan to raise taxes on small businesses, Obama supporters sought to destroy Joe and publicly embarrass him by digging through his tax files, work history and personal life.

Obama forces also tried to hush a national organization that ran TV and radio ads attacking the candidate's position on an issue. In that instance, Obama's general counsel fired off a letter threatening the licenses of stations that didn't pull the ad "for the sake of FCC licensing and the public interest."

After seeing a dip in the polls in September, the Obama campaign dispatched prosecutors and law enforcement officials in Missouri to act as so-called "truth squads" to target anyone who runs ads on TV or radio critical of Obama."
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That is nearly identical to what every Obama supporter I hear from. They spout Change for America without know what kind of Change he stands for. He spent alot of him time trying to hide his past or denies his past. Nearly everytime he talked it was scripted and when it was not something awful came out. Obama dodge tough questions and talked around them. He never confronted a single tough question even in the debates.

Obama twisted everyone's view on McCain being Bush when it is closer to Obama being Bush.

In all the media chose our President not us. Too many people believe the news today. I stopped taking the news seriously over 10 years ago. I did not vote for McCain in the primaries but I sucked it up and voted for him in the general.
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So everyone voted for him just because he was black and shouted hope and change every second of the day?

I did not vote for him because of the people who he chose to stay around and associate himself with. I also did not vote for him because of the policies he is wanting to bring to America.

As far as I am concerned Obama is for a Socialist American. Him and apparently alot of Americans want the government to do everything for them.

What ever happened to the people who blamed the parents for blaming the school for not raising their children? It is the parent who should raise them not the school. This is basically the same thing. You are asking the government to provide your health care, money, housing and god knows what else. So many people are expecting Obama to pay all of their bills while they sit back and do nothing.

Obama tried so hard to pretend to be something he is not. It just happens that not enough people saw past his looks and his sweet talking without a ounce of substance.

I do hope I am wrong and Obama is not going to be what I have come to believe. Time will only tell.

Things like him saying his proposals will bankrupt Coal Fired Power Plants does not help my willing to like him. around 50% of America is using Coal for power. You decide to put strict insane taxes on their emissions and that will just be passed on to the consumers. You are for inefficient bio fuels, solar and wind power but not for highly effective Nuclear power.

I am just not willing to believe in him right now. I guess I have 4 years for him to prove he is going to do good or he will do what I assume now and that is to bring America further into a recession and hurt us more then Bush did. I cannot even consider Bush a republican anymore. He has went so far left since his re-election I is not funny at all. Bush redistributed wealth with that stimulus package which did nothing for the economy then bails out the stock market which has done nothing to help it. Obama is just another Bush in my eyes because he is asking for the same thing Bush has already done except for the tax cuts which Obama has already stated he will not renew.

I rambled enough.
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