fred lapides's Comments

His first wife was a stuent along with him but she twice failed to pass exams to graduate.Many people have and do marry cousins, though it is looked upon as odd in the U.S. His 2nd wife's daughter suggested that they might marry, not the other way around, and she probably did this to make her boyfriend a bit jealous. Einstein rejected the idea. His odd contract with his wife was made so he might stay legally married because of his love for his sons, but he also wanted his privacy for his work.The truly odd item: he made a deal with his wife to settle up with her that he expected someday to win the Nobel prize and he would give the earnings from it to her. He did and she got it.
He has been "blamed" for making modernity, making things relative, but that is different totally from the idea of relativity in physics. He as a non-believer who later in life accepted his tribal connections--being Jewish, but never acceted the biblical andother beliefs of the relgion. This became important with the rise of anti-semitismn in Germany, and jealous scientists called relativity Jewish science! Thus Einstein sorked hard along with Weizman for making possible a homeland in Palestine. He saw what had been taking place in Germany and was early on aware of the anti-semitisnm in that country and the authoritary dominated system of Germany. He hated authority, conformity, and believed in socialism as a moderating force between total authority and capitalism because the ordinary person too deserved a rightful place within society and, he thought, capitalism made too wide a gap between the Haves and Have Nots. An oddity: shortly after developing his notions of the atom and relativity,m a young physica person suggested that it might be possible to use his findings to develop a powerful weapon...this of course he worked on later (A Bomb) to use against the world oppressive Germany, though it is true that earlier he had been a pacifist.
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