I still have and use a percolator. Sometimes it's not worth it, but occasionally our electricity goes out and who can still make coffee on the gas range? This gal.
Also, as a bonus, sometimes they'll show a coffee pot on Mad Men and it's the same one that I have. ;-)
My parents have a corn field that is over 7 acres. As a kid, I ran through it all the time. It's corn. It's a very tall grass planted in neat rows by a seeder.
When I moved into my house, I found an oddly deep cabinet at the top of the basement stairs. I stuck my head and a flashlight in to see how far back it went. Affixed to the inside was an old-fashioned label-maker tape (the kind with raised letters). What did it say? "Fuck you." True story. Still there.
Just yesterday I was eating some V-day chocolate-covered strawberries and I noticed that the fruit tasted... fizzy. And I thought, "I wonder if they found a way to carbonate the strawberries before dipping them in chocolate?" Maybe they did!
Also, as a bonus, sometimes they'll show a coffee pot on Mad Men and it's the same one that I have. ;-)
Thank you grunge era.