Jurgen K.'s Comments

Hmmm... I'm from Belgium and I can tell you for sure the dutch language and flemish language are largely the same: same rules, same spelling, some words are different, most depending on cultural differences, most difference is the 'vlaamse' (flemish) of 'hollandse' (dutch) accent. Included in the speech are some french words like "mousse" (the soft borders inside the garage) and "Voilá" ("Look-There") The subtitles are provided for understanding the accent. LOL. I've never thought the guy would that much attention. The guy is really pissed of because of his media attention. :-)
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The Yoshimoto cube is nowhere complex as it appears to be. It's basically 2 rings which folds into a star and into an empty cube which can hold the star. The 2 rings can be placed together when it is folded 4x2. Once you figured it out, it is straigthforward.
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Hi, NicleT, great video!
I had to listen 5 minutes before I thought "Well, He was used to play better...", before I discovered it! You had to read all those reactions on the video!
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Yes, I find Jahem pretty lame too, but the fusion of Indian rage and Jazz, that's cool!

The speed of how fast you can hit percussive notes doesn't say anything how good the bassplayer actually are. It's like saying this photocamera has 5 Megapixel without mentioning the quality of it optics. Much of the bassplayer depends on the style of bass of music you like. I am a longtime fan of Level 42, and what I like the most of the style of Mark King is that he can play very steadily moderate complex basslines without failing, but on the backside the songs of Level 42 doesn't show any improvisation. Actually, the best songs of Mark are one the first albums when Level 42 didn't had the success later received yet. Here are some great bass-solo's of Mark King:


Some people may see Jaco Pastorious as the best Bass-player ever, as he removed the frets from the fingerboard of his bass, and invented playing bass using harmonics. "Portrat Of Tracy" is a masterpiece of him. To bad he died.


Qua technique I like Victor Wooten very much, he has a special technique to play triplettes, and doesn't mind
demonstrating it and comparing it together with his older brother, and I really suggest Neatorama posting this link to a video of Victor Wooten Live at Bass Day 1998, where he plays very nice songs. He's a unique person with great skills:


One last, Victor Wooten playing "Norwagian Wood", using harmonics and fingerboard playing. If you hear this before you go to bed, you'll sleep well!!

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Hmmm, first a recession may bring the oil price down, then a adverse feedback loop will create additional monetizing by the FED, pushing the oil price back to the upside. Then the deeper recession will further advance the adverse feedback loop, pushing more workforce out of employment, more liquidations, more monitizing, more high oil prices, more recession, more unempoyment, yet more liquidations, yet more liquidations, yet more monitizing. Yes, we will get some fireworks!
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Damn, NO! Spending money rather than saving isn't capitalism, that's Keynesiasm! There is really no point in saying that saving money creates communism! To let work capitalism work in full earnest, there should be no additional money poured into the economy. By keeping interest artificially low (by creating credit into the banking system) the fed devaluates the dollar, which discourages savings and encourages spending. The additional money poured into the economy creates booms and busts (like the tech boom and the housing boom) not productive for the economy because it creates overinvestments and liquidations. The endresult of the whole Keynesian is that overall high-order prices are much to high in comparison of wages, salaries. Also an inflationary boom creates malinvestments: to much consumption of high-order goods creates price increases of lower-order goods (like energy, food, commodities, etc...) later down the road. The point what I want to make is that Keynesiasm is NOT capitalism, it socialism in sheep's clothes! In the end everyone will suffer, because the economy will enforce itself into savings by redirecting your real income (which is disminished by inflation) to the high paying exec's which get ritcher and do save! For a real good explanation into why real savings are a necessary part of capitalism, I recommend two books: "What has the government done with our money?" from Murray N. Rothbard and "Human Action" from Ludwig von Mises both available on http://www.mises.org
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