Could have done without the crappy words to the music, but it's a lovely quote, and I love thinking about it. The universe is beautiful, and you don't need gods to think that. Matter of fact, I think gods limit our ability to appreciate the universe. You're supposed to think that gods are more perfect, more beautiful than all the universes and nebulae...and that's kind of sad. Because if you're wrong, you missed out on a lot. And even if you're right, you still missed out.
This bird is totally out of it, it can't hear the machines. Hummingbirds don't just sleep, they enter a state called torpor. It's somewhere in between sleep and hibernation. Hummingbirds require loads of energy to keep up with their metabolism, but they can't feed at night. So to preserve energy so they can continue on feeding in the morning, they enter the torpor state.
:D >:[ :D >:[ :D >:[ :D >:[ :D >:[ :D >:[ :D >:[ :D >:[ :D >:[ :D >:[ :D >:[ :D >:[ :D >:[ :D >:[ :D >:[ :D >:[
:D = The Doctor (Ten is better though...)
>:[ = Benedict Cumberbatch. His face looks like it was stung by bees. A lot.