Zecc's Comments

[I apologise if this is a repeated post, but I didn't get any feedback the first time around)

I am SO not impressed.

See here: http://translate.google.com/translate?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.narizvermelho.pt%2Fepages%2F1290-080722.sf%2Fpt_PT%2F%3FObjectPath%3D%2FShops%2F1290-080722%2FCategories%2FONV%2FQuemSomos%2FHist%25C3%25B3ria&sl=pt&tl=en
(sorry for the big URL)

So, there were already clown doctors in the states in 1993.

In fact, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Apple_Circus says « One of the biggest steps in the institution's history was taken in 1986, when the circus opened the clown care unit, a group of professional clowns, trained extensively in hospital procedures, circus skills, and improvisation, make rounds as "clown doctors." »
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I remember playing "Filler" back when I used Windows 3.11. Or maybe Windows 95 already, I'm not sure.
Aniways: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/7_Colors
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So apparently the billionaire denies it, but the restaurant's staff affirms it.
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If you follow the link trail, you'll this:
« FTA: “In an email, a spokesman for Mr. Ambramovich denied the bill was Mr Abramovich’s. He said Mr. Abramovich did eat at the restaurant but that the “party spent no more than a tiny fraction of that amount - less than a couple of percent.” »

You'll also see Jay-Z mentioned instead.
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