Gordo 2's Comments

It is a device for measuring the pitch of the perforations on postage stamps. Used by collectors in the process of determining if a particular stamp is genuine. This along with coloration, size and watermarks assisted the collector in his quest for the real thing.
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I detectest a twinge of jealousy on this blog. I'm a bit put off myself that he gets 72 virgins and I don't. Us Catholics (actually former Catholics) don't even get a handshake. I'll turn 70 this month and I'm not really sure what the hell I'd do with 72 virgins in the first place. How much do you wanna bet that before the year is over the Enquirer will host a photo of Elvis, Hoffa, and Bin Laden together in a bar at some undisclosed location.
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Well, the modern retail inventory plan moved away from the buffer concept in favor of the "just in time" restocking plans that modern delivery and manufacturing need to reduce taxes on their stock while making sure that product is in the house. The tax reduction improves the P-R-O-F-I-T that the moichant piggy requires and can serve to lower manpower requirements. The really unfortunate part of this whole thing is that those same moichants moved their manufacturing bases to nations overseas where folks work for peanuts. This further improves the profit profile for the piggy.
Has anyone heard recently a political figure say that it might be a good idea to demand American products? I don't think so! Is there anyone out there suggesting that Americans save a little something for that rainy day? Nope!
It's very obvious to me that Americans don't need jobs and have more money than they know what to do with. Trust me when I say that every time I venture into a mall or retail store I make a little scene by asking loudly "hey, don't youse guys have anything made in the USA?". I can get away with it 'cuz I'm 70 and crankiness is expected.
In truth, we're a failed state economically, spiritually, and militarily. We're squandering the lives of young Americans on an illegal and brutal war designed only to boost the military industrial complex and massage Wall St. We've killed 300,000 innocent people in Iraq to the tune of over a trillion dollars wrested from the wallets of mostly middle class Americans. It is by definition nothing short of murder in the first degree and we should be ashamed of ourselves.
Support your country and its industrial base. Buy our products. Send home the illegals who comprise a 13 million strong legion of parasites on our economy. Leave something for your kids to be proud of. This is not the America I grew up in!
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We gotta remember folks that the "History" Channel has to save its resources for the truly important programs like "Ice Road Truckers", "Pawn Stars", and "Monster Quest". Maybe I'm just being cranky 'cuz I'm old enough to remember when the "History" Channel used to deal with History. Does anyone remember the "Victory at Sea" series? Oops, now I'm dating myself.
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I'm really sorry to hear that God is indeed dead. How regrettable it is that He couldn't have taken just a minute or two to teach this little dripwad a thing or two about good taste. Oh well, I'm sure that his parents will instill in him those values at home.... or maybe not. I'm gonna have to run now and buy a sympathy card for Gods wife and a tube of acne cream for that mental midget. Oi vey!
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These slimy trolls use the power of the casting couch to have their way with aspiring young girls (and boys as well I guess). This practice has run rampant throughout the movie industry for decades and letting this dirtbag off the hook shows kids everywhere that money and influence can indeed buy their virginity. Polanski deserves to spend the rest of his life locked up in my humble opinion. On the bright side his incarceration will not get in the way of an active sex life.... 'nuff said!
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I was brought up to respect the value of buying your own nations goods. That single act of customer loyalty would serve to guarantee the jobs of the American auto workers. This same principle is true for just about everything that we as "consumers" consume. Take a look at the labels on your clothing, shoes, electronics, etc, etc. Our current problem is our own fault for not supporting our nation and allowing the "moichant piggies" to sell us their shoddy foreign crap. Wake up folks and buy our own products, support our own workers, and for the luvva pete, stop selling your children's futures to the Chinese and the Wall Street moichant piggies. Wake up! Wake up!
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