Thebes's Comments

One world currency???

We've had one- GOLD
We have another- SILVEr

This suggested "One World Currency" will just be more fiat money (money created and envalued by governmental decree). It will have no real value and will lead to another god-damned bubble while empowering the "One World Government" creating it.

Live Free or Die!
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I did a photo shoot years ago at a big cat sanctuary.

Some of the rescues were so skittish that the man running the operation could not even go in with them, they had to be kept isolated or be destroyed, vet care required trapping or tranquilizing them. Other cats were quite docile and several had access into his home.

I was able to go into the cage (1/2 acre or more IIRC) with him and a lion. She liked to play ball, like a house cat, but with a soccer ball. He pulled me out shortly after she pressed her full weight against me, like how a cat rubs up against your leg, pushing me hard back into the chainlink fence.

Its amazing how like domestic cats they are in some ways, and yet they are such powerful creatures that considering one as a house pet is foolish (and results in most of the pets being destroyed, rescues are rare and extremely expensive to run).
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As has already been said its a tire thumper. It is used by truckers to quickly check tire pressure and give them a plausible reason to keep a brain busting club in their truck cab while driving in even the most weapon hating of communities.
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A few thoughts

#1, The CONFIRMED number of Flying Pig Flu infections is far lower than the actual number. This is even being reported in Albuquerque news. The CDC is only able to test around 100 samples a day and although New Mexico has at least 41 swabs to send, they have only been able to send 4, none of which have been tested yet. Also, because this process takes several days, once the results are known they are several days old. We can possibly presume that there are 10-25 times the number of actual cases, already to the expected 30 day mark in this article so its spreading faster than the author implies.

#2, Pandemic does NOT mean everyone DIES. We will very likely soon be at level 6, a full blown pandemic. There are also pandemic severity catagories, kind of like there are with hurricanes. Catagory 1 is just equivalent to the seasonal flu, Catagory 2 is equal to the Hong Kong Flu, Catagory 5 is the Spanish Flu that killed 20-50 million or more.

#3 Given the actual numbers and a bit of math, the seasonal flu death rate listed has a big problem. Even if just 5% of the USA got it and .24% died that would still be more than the listed 32,000 yearly deaths. Presuming a more likely 15% infection rate the actual death rate for 32,000 deaths is under 0.1%- a far cry from 0.96% as listed as normal.

#4 I am far more concerned about the government's response to this potential pandemic than I am about actually dieing from Flying Pig Flu. Historically governments have killed more people than pandemics, I can see no reason that our own is immune from such tyrannies.
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I'm pretty sure that Smallpox wiping out Native Americans who were intentionally given infected blankets to hurry the pandemic along should also be on this list.

Of course, such an addition wouldn't help reassure the public about the current possible pandemic. It might get people wondering why the Spanish Flu started at a wartime military base. It might make people ask about the curious incidents on the 1976 Swine Flu Scare. It might make people ask why Baxter has been given the job of making the Flying Pig Flu vaccine when they just shipped bird flu contaminated H1N1 flu shots to Eastern Europe, a contamination many experts say could not have occurred by accident and could have resulted in a human to human H5N1.
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In Castle Rock v. Gonzales the court ruled that police have NO DUTY to protect, even when they know a person is in danger. I can't possibly imagine how those transit workers or their employer are legally liable for stopping a rape.

Its sad, though, that the rape victim couldn't possibly have had a firearm with her. Even if there was a chance she might have had a 38 special in her purse, a rapist might well have been deterred. The lawmakers, the police, the anti-gun lobbyists and the courts conspired to make her a statistic.... now they can go be "tough on crime" some more.
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Random dude standin on the left looks a lot like Rahm Emanuel.

This is the bastion of mid-east freedom we give tens of billions in foreign aid too??? Some of their newspapers won't even print pictures of females clad in attire appropriate for their Cabinet members???
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I suspect that many of these figures vary so widely that its impossible to show on a chart like this.

Since my wife and I haul our water to our rural cabin (with composting toilet), I can tell you that our direct use of water is FAR lower than one would expect from this chart. We work at home, and spend most of our time here, and its still FAR lower. Like our dishes take less than a gallon a day and showers only take about 3 gallons each, this is sometimes rainwater or melted snow too.

Likewise, we prefer free range or free grazing meat or better yet wild game when we can get some. Grass fed pastured cattle would take a lot less water than the corn fed ones.
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This is really bad news, I suppose unless maybe you are Chinese.

Between the US Dollars held by foreign central banks now being very likely to re-enter circulation, and all the money Bernanke / Geithner / Obushma are throwing from their helicopters... we will have hyper-inflation by next winter. The US Dollar will be worth 1/3 or less what it is today. People might scoff at this by I predicted this mess back when the Fed discontinued the M3. We are so totally fucked. Stock up on basic essentials and know who you can rely on.
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I couldn't agree more. I absolutely *&#$ing HATE it when I go to a nice restaurant to have a nice dinner with my wife and some IDIOT parents let their kids literally run around wild. And, if I say anything about it then I'm rude? Seems so... Everyone's little snot nosed brat is supposedly "special", but really half of them ought to get run over by cars or otherwise removed from the gene pool, their parents are evidence of what happens when kids become "special" for a couple of generations.
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