A Grue Not Here's Comments

I'm not sure 8,9 and 10 belong there, I would say they were more ugly then divinely inspired.

Also, the dome wasn't a new feature for Hagia sophia, it had been around for at least a couple of thousand years before that (Treasury of Atreus for example). The innovation was the system of pendentives they came up with to support the round down on a square base.
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Awards for that? It's impressive for an 8 year old and doesn't have many major problems but there are many things that could be improved (fixed width design, menu placement, scrolling ticker).
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I've been wanting to go and see it for a while, they haven't announced any dates in the UK yet though. They are still announcing new venues I believe, they announced they were coming to Singapore in their 16th of January newsletter.

I didn't actually recognise any of the sound in that music, was it all from super mario?

Also, I've always been surprised they don't feature the Total Annhilation music. I know they've got it's composer helping with the concerts so perhaps Atari simply wouldn't let them do it.

Still, Morrowind, Oblivion, BF1942 and Zelda are all definitely worth hearing like that.
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It's hardly going to 'wipe us all out'. The link above said it killed 2.5-5% of the world's population. Even the black death 'only' killed 50% of the population of Europe. Pretty nasty to live through but hardly an extermination of the human race.

That said, there are other things that could wipe us out entirely.
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Yes, they've worked out how to store a hundred low-res images like that one in a block the size of a hard drive.

there's a way to go yet before you'll need to buy an SATA to optical converter.
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