The article says the hospital has been having problems for the last 3.5 years. Not true - it has been having serious problems like this for at least a decade.
At least 5 years ago there was an expose in The New Times (now defunct in LA) by Jill Stewart I believe - I think it was that article that mentioned an elderly black woman getting in a fist fight *in the ambulance* that was taking her to the King/Drew emergency room - she wanted them to take her to a different hopsital. Apparently everyone the hospital is supposed to serve knows it is a death trap.
At least 5 years ago there was an expose in The New Times (now defunct in LA) by Jill Stewart I believe - I think it was that article that mentioned an elderly black woman getting in a fist fight *in the ambulance* that was taking her to the King/Drew emergency room - she wanted them to take her to a different hopsital. Apparently everyone the hospital is supposed to serve knows it is a death trap.