atanguay's Comments

Goodbye Baaaaaby.

I think the optimum time to sell such a thing has past. Less and less people even remember who the Big Bopper was. Now's the time to be selling Beatles crap.
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Rent 'Idiocracy' on DVD. Starts to make more sense every time I see it...scary sense.

And I'm sorry, I find it hard to believe they can bring even a fraction of the attention that's needed to numbers 5-18. I don't find any of this wonderful or miraculous.
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I totally believe this...over time when I think back on past girlfriends or whatever, I can already remember them fondly and it takes some digging to remember the reasons we split...and generally there are very very good reasons.
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I remember reading that the original Lord of the Rings effects crew started out working in butter to sculpt their concept models because that's all they had to work with before the money started flowing. I guess there's no natural clay down in New Zealand.
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I live in Michigan, and I can tell you that pretty much everyone in the entire state feels like we're sleeping next to a nuclear bomb that could go off at any second.

The ripple effect of a company like GM going under can't really be completely anticipated or underestimated. The people that work directly for GM are just simply the very very tip of the iceberg. The effect goes all the way out to the guy that delivers the bread to the restaurant where a employees of a supplier to a supplier to GM eat lunch. People who may not even realize how they are connected to the auto industry.

On one hand people are very aware that the big three are very very dysfunctional, and maybe need to be wiped clean and restarted. But we also can't begin to estimate what it could do to every single person in the state. It's like being a mouse that lives in the basement of a dangerously unstable office building, you know it needs to come down, but you don't want it to come down on you.

Scary Stuff.
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Bill Watterson is one of my great heroes of all time.

He made great popular art on his own terms, never sold out or cheapened his art, and walked away before it tired him or bored everyone else.

I remember when he decided the Sunday color comics needed more room to really tell his stories. Calvin and Hobbes was so popular that they had to deal with it. He wasn't just swinging power around, he just needed more room, and the market had to adjust...wonderful.
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I have enjoyed this tactic for a while...but things are a little too real right now.

I used to enjoy 'Cinderella Man' for this, but now it's a very real threat that things will get to that point for a lot of people...myself included. It's just a bit much to bear right now.
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My family is really in dire straits without a supplier of heated luxury dog houses and full size Spiderman statues. Oh Sharper Image, where have you gone?!
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Frankly, I will never figure this out.

But a great documentary on this subject is called 'My Kid Could Paint That'. It follows a four year old abstract 'genius' painter and his oddly enough painter well as the rest of the family. The young girl leaps to international attention in the art world very very quickly. There are plenty of twists that I won't give away, but in the end it's a really great examination of what exactly is great art.
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All of us here were at a definitive fork in the road...and we took the brave, hopeful way. I am elated to be allowed to be hopeful again. I am proud of us again.

I'd also like to say I thought McCain's speech was classy and gracious. He should never be lumped into the Bush/Palin far right nutjobs.

(Also, I got a free coffee, ice cream cone, and pays!)
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I've ridden a motorcycle and now a scooter for about 8 years without a single incident. I HIGHLY recommend taking a motorcycle safety training course at your local community college. These classes teach you how to ride safely, be vigilant, handle obstacles, etc. Also, if you're on the fence, these classes will also help you decide if riding is for you...all without having to buy a bike or scooter. There were people in my class that decided it was not for them, which is totally fine.

I will never deny that there are risks...but there are risks in leaving your house, or commuting an hour to work every day (huge risks statistically)...but risks are a part of life, and it's hard to explain the thrill of cruising through a tree lined neighborhood on a warm summer evening on your scooter...smelling the flowers blooming in people's yards, the occasional backyard campfire, people grilling steaks, and even the girl who's put on a bit too much perfume. All the while you get just the slightest feeling that you're flying just a few feet off the ground. I would not trust this reviewer with a kid's Big Wheel.

You simply have to find your comfort level. I personally don't feel comfortable on the I don't do that. But as someone said above, they've had horrid accidents on a mountain bike. You find your comfort level with your risks, you take every precaution you can, and enjoy the benefits that come with it. It's the stuff of life.
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