atanguay's Comments

You guys missed their exorbitant late fees!

Blockbuster...a great place to rack up enough late fees on a VHS copy of 'Weekend at Bernie's 2' to be able to finance a second sequel! Good riddance.
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Is that true?!?!

When I recommended the show to a friend who also thought the traditional sitcom died with Seinfeld, I warned him that he might not care for it because the guy on the Laff Track is trigger happy. Fascinating. Funny show.

I guess this could be one of the questions answered at the taping eh?
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Thanks J Cubed...I was thinking the exact same thing.

At least when you see all the items about Bugs Bunny and Looney Tunes, you got something out of the deal. Tons and tons of classic, hilarious cartoons. My brothers and I would watch for hours every Saturday morning, it was great.

I've been more entertained by the animated Colonel Sanders than I have been by corporate logo Mickey Mouse.
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You know, I will agree that a lot of Disney 'princesses' can send a pretty bad message to little girls, but 'Beauty and The Beast' went out of it's way to show that Belle was smart and inquisitive. And jeez I can't believe I'm writing the end it's love that saves the prince.

Just sayin.
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This ignorant a-hole needs to wake the hell up and just stop talking to people about their computers. Problem solved. Then he can come at this everything should be.

There's nothing more idiotic than saying..."I don't care how great something apparently is, I hate it because I want to hate it. I'm a writer, and my tools are computers, but I'm going to stamp my feet and pout because some people love their machines!"

Did he ever think that some people are evangelizing these things because they've found the solution to EXACTLY what he was complaining problems like unexplained slow downs? That they've dealt with printer driver errors, slow boot ups, viruses, and just general odd behavior for years before finding out it doesn't have to be that way? It's not a cult or a religion, it's just people finding something that works a whole lot better for them and has released them from a lot of frustration.

(And I speak from experience...I used a PC every day for 10 years before giving Macs a try and right now bounce between both happily. I will say that the Mac Pro that I own, and run both OSs on, is the finest built computer...Mac or PC...that I have ever owned. It's quiet, astoundingly stable, and powerful. I cannot say that about the many PCs I've owned and built.)
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