Nora 8's Comments
^--what the...?
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lifts your face, and makes your eyebrows even bushier! o_o;
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Gee mom, this is swell. Wait till I show all the kids at school!
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Hmm... and the price of metal detectors just went up in New Mexico...
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i swear...anytime I hear of some sort of extreme luxury its in Dubai. I love the palm islands they're making (man made island realestate)...think I also recently heard of some extreme shopping mall that was going to be built there.
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Hmm looks like some of the fish head got left in the can. bad quality control. Its not an aligator head though.
My guess is that the fish is Pike or sockeye salmon. Both have some gnarly teeth.
My guess is that the fish is Pike or sockeye salmon. Both have some gnarly teeth.
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I notice that most memories of these people involve small "everyday life" events. Little is mentioned of their lifetime accomplisments,or their professions. Its interesting that they'll be remembered only by their loved ones. Mostly for being funny, crazy, silly or good at card games. As everyone who knows them, also fades away... what will they be remembered for? Will strangers pause by their stones, and wonder who they were?
Well, thats just depressing. Excuse me, I need to go accomplish something with my life. :X
Well, thats just depressing. Excuse me, I need to go accomplish something with my life. :X
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ugh, never having kids. never never.
Damn kid, that lil snake would be in soooo much trouble if it was mine.
Damn kid, that lil snake would be in soooo much trouble if it was mine.
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I would actually love to do that. They should have giant Hamster balls you can use to stroll/walk through safari's with. of course you could still get clawed, bitten if you get too close to one side with an opening. Hmm...
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Horrible. I'm seriously embarrased for this guy.
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So cookie monster used to have teeth? Thats a new one to me.
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I think I'd just hold it till I got home. >_>
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Also love cuttlefish snacks and I'm a white gal who grew up in Eastern Oregon. I discovered them when I moved to seattle and found a neat import store and couldn't get enough. They're great. What a dumb review.
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Oh what the hell stupid. That crap is at least 3 years old now. IT was lukewarm to begin with, let the lame fad die.
If crap fads could die a little faster, the world would be 1/10000000000000000000000000'th of a percent less lame.
I feel a lot of pity for that kid. He's not cool, hes not even "nerd cool" hes just...headed for the shortbus to stupidland.
If crap fads could die a little faster, the world would be 1/10000000000000000000000000'th of a percent less lame.
I feel a lot of pity for that kid. He's not cool, hes not even "nerd cool" hes just...headed for the shortbus to stupidland.
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Not scary. Interestingly weird though.