Nora 8's Comments

its a cute idea that was funny...but now has been run into the ground till we're sick of it. Why cant people know when to quit?

lolcat toys - comming to a wal-mart near you.
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I think it goes back to an old tradition.
In "days of yore" a summer treat in Japan, was to pick fresh cucumber from the garden, and cool it in a stream for a few hours before eating.
Cucumbers probably just got intergrated into culture and something "cold, and refreshing". Much like watermelon, or oranges.

Cucumber is actually a really good drink. Like Miss Cellania mentioned, I've also had a yoghurt/cucumber drink that was sweetened. It tasted a lot like fresh melon (not fake watermelon flavor, but like the taste of a real melon).
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There are 2 things that stand out most to me in the slide show of North Korea.
1. Everywhere the tourist was allowed to visit was very clean/organized. immaculate even.
2. Eveywhere the tourist was allowed to visit was very deserted.

Each photo has a very surreal quality to it. Almost like a post-apocalyptic enviornment, where the subject person in the photo is the sole survivor.

While in general its very un-nerving, I have to admit.. the huge open spaces look wonderful, and I do find myself a bit wistful for such places here, since I live in a large city.
However, i would take overcrowding over oppression anyday.
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Well the problem with my ticket was that it WAS unjust.
But it was my word against the cops when I contested it in court. Really, how do you prove you come to a full stop anyway?

Cop didn't even have footage of it, or if he did, it wasn't shown.
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Meh...too deep for me. too deep = not funny.

Thinking comics are ok... but if you consider yourself intellectual... why bother with things like low-brow comics?
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ahh yes the po-po.
I once got a ticket from a cop that was hiding in someones driveway at a 3way stop at 3 AM (NO TRAFFIC). I THOUGHT i came to a full stop, but oh no... it was a "rolling stop" according to the cop. flashing lights +ticket. I find out later that this is his favorite hiding spot, nice.

Same cop a few weeks later (yep recognised him) is at a light waiting for it to turn green. A car pulls out of a parking lot to his right. Goes across 4 lanes of HEAVY traffic against all signs and solid yellow lines (plus a turning lane), narrowly misses a oncomming car, and goes into a lot on the other side of this busy road...all RIGHT IN FRONT of this cop. The cop dosn't do a damn thing. cause he's waiting for his light and has "things to do".

love it.
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interesting. Is it really a tire chair, or a bronze sculpture made to look like tires?

Either way, it looks HEAVY.

Does have a certain cyber/futuristic/industrial charm to it though.
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Oooh I remember this site from a few years ago. Shes still around? Amazing. Love the work, hate the prices. Still... A uicorn,griffon, or capricorn would look amazing. Hmm... guess I should start saving up.
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Ahh... o_o Never ask him for directions, unless you want nightmares.

"Hey Mister, you know the way to the 7-11"?
"sure man, its over.....THERE!" *scree scree scree scree* (Psycho music)
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