Feodor 1's Comments
This is actually the recipe for most of the movies these days.
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I guess that would be an effective strategy for females of the homo sapiens variety as well...
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"The older you are, the harder it is to hear high pitches." Does that mean that bass-intensive music is designed for the elderly?
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Yay, worked it out before checking the answer.
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Where I live, driving stick is typical, and that's what I drive. Shifting gears is only demanding for so long; after a while, your brain gets trained enough that it's part of driving, just like everything else. While a nuisance when you need a free hand, there are solutions around, even while driving through busy city traffic (where you need to fiddle with the stick a lot more than on longer trips, as Barking_Bud correctly pointed out above).
Having said all of the above, I totally recommend a teenager's first car should be manual transmission. Having to switch gears manually really helps you get an intimate feeling for how things work inside the engine, when you can expect power and when you shouldn't, and generally how to take advantage of a car's engine.
Having said all of the above, I totally recommend a teenager's first car should be manual transmission. Having to switch gears manually really helps you get an intimate feeling for how things work inside the engine, when you can expect power and when you shouldn't, and generally how to take advantage of a car's engine.
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This is so totally random. But then again, it's art, right? I mean, it says right there -- she's an artist, so obviously this is art. Right. Stupid comment, it's all so obvious in retrospect...
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I'm a Romanian. I don't mind talking about Dracula. B(r)am!
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Wait a minute here. You're telling me that the blueprints illustrated a four-story building which people thought would be 480 feet tall? And they INVESTED in a building with four 120-feet (36 m) tall stories? Because in that case they fully deserved to be scammed. And if not, then how was the building built according to the blueprints?
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Poor guy. He's great at what he's doing -- except that what he's doing will probably fade out of fashion by the time he'll get trained to do it properly. Sic transit gloria mundi, kid.
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As well it should; in fact, I propose we import that into English as well. Imagine: "Mom said I should rabbit dressing up if we were to find any open seats"; or "my girlfriend said I shouldn't rabbit the foreplay".