"You" used to be only plural, then it got used for a "polite" singular as well, now it's always used for both singular and plural (except for dialectical innovations). Looks like "they" is going the same route. Jenn, thou needst to get used to it.
I remember watching a commercial for Nutella (don't remember if it was that one in particular) and thinking it was an outrageous example of spin. I prefer to think the cash as more a punishment for advertising shamelessness. (And is it just me, or is using that song - with its line of "before I put on my makeup" - in conjunction with shots of waking kids a little weird?
Nick - Mr West said "I heard", not "I believe". And such is life today that we've all "heard" a widely and wildly varying amount of drivel, so that much is likely true.
There was a revival of “It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s Superman!” in Dallas in 2010. While keeping most of the original songs and adding a few more - some that had been dropped from the original production, some written just for that performance -- the book was completely rewritten by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa. I have to believe the improved result was the reason Roberto was called in to help salvage "Spiderman: Turn Off the Dark".
SD Tom - Considering the immense amount of pleasure a lot of people have derived from John Cleese "acting silly", I think he's done a hell of a lot of "benefit to mankind". Without art and laughter our life is numb, no matter how mechanically perfect our existence. But I do agree his tone is somewhat grating and patronizing. I wish that after his observation of some stupid people being too stupid to realize they're stupid, he admitted that some intelligent people are so wrapped up in the knowledge of their intelligence that they fail to notice when they start mouthing stupid things...
My mother watched such movies for a completely opposite psychological effect: to help imagine herself cooler during the heat of summer. Which is why the 1997 film version of "Anna Karenina" was an August favorite.
"All six sides of this one are mirrored, creating beautiful images as the sky and trees reflect on the surface"...marred only by the splats caused by birds flying into the walls by mistake, I bet.
That's "Andric" (not Andri), but with an accent mark over the c, to represent a "ch" sound. I suppose it was that special character that was mis-rendered as a ? in your source material.
A decanter for wine or some such liquid -- something with residue or lees in it that you're hoping will be trapped in those bulges as you sloooooooooowly tip the bottle part forward.
A common decorator tip nowadays is to mix your books with various tchotchkes on your shelves so you have an interesting varied composition rather than a lockstep march of rectangles. (That is, when they're not having you dustcover them all in one color so you have a uniform marching army of them.) No wonder the furniture is being tweaked to accommodate this.
Parking space in San Francisco is already at a premium. Whatever tranquility the green spaces are supposed to inspire will soon be trumped by the increased frustration of drivers.
Schroedinger's cat wanted dead/alive, large
[Schroedinger's Cat: Wanted Dead And/Or Alive size L : theoretically I have both won and not won this shirt!]