Kev 1's Comments

I have been to Natural Bridge and it is very pretty there. Washington didn't paint his initials, he carved them into the rock, as many others did.
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The question is one of weight people, not space. Didn't you read the post? Talking about a fat guy spilling over into your personal space is a different issue. The post is talking aobut how it takes more fuel to fly a 300 lb. man across the country than a 150 lb. man. Joy commented above saying she would be pissed to pay more just because they were taller than average. What about all those tall guys who have to pay more for "tall" version of shirts and pants? Is that unfair? People over 6 ft tall need more fabric to cover their bodies than a 5 ft person. Life's tough I guess. You expect others to subsidize your increased expenses because you happen to be taller than everyone else? Crazy. BTW, I am just under 6ft and weigh 300 lbs, so even though I wouldn't be happy about it, I would have to admit that it would only be fair if I paid more for a plane ride because I am burning more fuel than most of the rest.
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First, I am not a member of PETA and I do eat meat. I am not the typical person who protests how animals are treated, although I am somewhat troubled by it. Second, this is horrifying.
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Some might think that readers would be influenced by the post itself into thinking that this looked like the WTC. I immediately thought of the WTC before I read the post, though.
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I'm a South Carolinian and I say this might actually work to some degree but only if the employees answering the phones actually sounded as though they believed it. As has been mentioned, us natives don't see things as going to great here right now, so this greeting is going to end up being spoken ironically, most of the time.
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I don't use antibacterial soap for this reason, but I do use alcohol gel sanitizer when I am in a situation where I cannot wash my hands. Alcohol kills all of the germs and does not create superbugs. However, using alcohol only kills the bugs on your hands, it doesn't remove them, so your hands are still dirty. I also believe that an overly zealous approach to hygiene can deprive an individual from the necessary immune system build-up that occurs when they get sick and fight off those illnesses. So let your kids get dirty.
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Let's assume the board is dropped from a height of 20 inches (this is just an estimate and it does not need to be accurate). The tee mounted to the board is supporting the ball approximately 1.5 to 2 inches above the top of the board, so the ball is starting out at a height of 21.5-22 inches. It is no mystery why the ball hits after the board; it was dropped from a greater height.
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I agree with Masada but he should have also mentioned that federal law requires the restaurant to ensure that all wait staff make at least minimum wage. The wait staff are paid somewhere around $3/hr by their employer and they are supposed to declare how much they make in tips, which usually pushes them well above the minimum wage. If they do not receive enough money in tips to put them at or above the minimum wage, the employer is responsible to make up the difference, which pretty much never happens.

As for Matt's question: I used to deliver pizza and I can tell you how it was for me. I did NOT get any of the delivery charge. Every cent of the delivery charge went into the owner's pocket. Of course, many people think as you do, that the driver is getting a built in tip and the pizza restaurant owners rarely bother to educate the customer. I am fairly certain that all of the chains are the same way. Don't cheat the driver because you think he is already getting an automatic tip; he ain't.
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