I watched it and went "wow" on the first bounce, "WOW" on the second bounce, and "YEEEEEEHAAAAWW!!!" on the third one. Feel like a little kid again! It's good to see that, no matter what the culture, people like doing silly, fun things.
And to the people stressing about the tire in the water causing pollution I say: killjoys! Grumps! :)
Holy cats, man. That's incredible. I was a guide in Colorado years ago and did some extreme exposure stuff, but nothing like this. He's got to have some switch in his brain that lets him just turn off the sense of danger.
Almost as hairy to watch as the tower climbing vid from a while back.
Unbelievable. One of the best things I've ever seen on Neatorama. Of course, that outs me as a music major in college. But great jumping jujubees, that was amazing. My hat is off to this guy. When he finished my wife and I both spontaneously applauded the computer screen.
I see a flaw here in that they sampled a bunch of different events, the averaged the timespan of all of them to come up with 3 seconds. There's no significance to 3 seconds other than that's where they all statistically gather.
I could average a lot of different events but that wouldn't necessarily tell me anything important about them.
Think about it: when was the last time you shook someone's hand for a whole three seconds? Time it out- that's a long time. If the handshake- one of the most basic forms of social interaction- doesn't conform to the three second rule, then I have to doubt the viability of this report.
Plus, as a professional composer for 20 years I can tell you that most musical phrases are emphatically NOT three seconds long. Again, this makes me doubt the whole report.
And to the people stressing about the tire in the water causing pollution I say: killjoys! Grumps! :)
Rock on, Dry cleaner musician dude! Great stuff
Really good work.
Awesome invention! Looks like a fun guy who knows how to break stuff.
Almost as hairy to watch as the tower climbing vid from a while back.
* Dreams of Falling
* Dream Discontentedness
* Dreams of Being Chased
* Dreams of Being Famous
Sheesh, we're all humans, folks. Let's not get too carried away with these silly divisive "they're different from us" studies.
I could average a lot of different events but that wouldn't necessarily tell me anything important about them.
Think about it: when was the last time you shook someone's hand for a whole three seconds? Time it out- that's a long time. If the handshake- one of the most basic forms of social interaction- doesn't conform to the three second rule, then I have to doubt the viability of this report.
Plus, as a professional composer for 20 years I can tell you that most musical phrases are emphatically NOT three seconds long. Again, this makes me doubt the whole report.