Haven't you ever wondered why we New Yorkers in the City and Upstate pay so much for electric power while living many of us right alongside one of the nations most powerful rivers..?
Here in Ulster County many of us have Central Hudson Electric and Gas, but they are unaware that this company is the very one which in Court established "Personhood" for corporations..!
That was a black day for each and every American and it's gone down hill ever since..!
We must as a nation Nationalize all Energy the Electric companies and also the Oil Industry until we do this there will be no solution for our current economic, environmental, and political problems..!
By doing this we could cut energy costs in America by 30-33% and also have from oil alone %60 billion each year every year for this type of alternative energy development and exploration the energy infrastructure so much even perhaps eventually Fusion..
New engine designs and development and this is also a true National Security issue and requirement for the future..!
Remember the Oil companies are not in the business of putting themselves out of business..!
We could also have the money to develop true really clean coal with all these billions coming into such efforts as well as cut costs by 30%, thus create an economic Boom that would benefit every American across the board..!
There's more to this but it's time to start talking it up..!
Here in Ulster County many of us have Central Hudson Electric and Gas, but they are unaware that this company is the very one which in Court established "Personhood" for corporations..!
That was a black day for each and every American and it's gone down hill ever since..!
We must as a nation Nationalize all Energy the Electric companies and also the Oil Industry until we do this there will be no solution for our current economic, environmental, and political problems..!
By doing this we could cut energy costs in America by 30-33% and also have from oil alone %60 billion each year every year for this type of alternative energy development and exploration the energy infrastructure so much even perhaps eventually Fusion..
New engine designs and development and this is also a true National Security issue and requirement for the future..!
Remember the Oil companies are not in the business of putting themselves out of business..!
We could also have the money to develop true really clean coal with all these billions coming into such efforts as well as cut costs by 30%, thus create an economic Boom that would benefit every American across the board..!
There's more to this but it's time to start talking it up..!