Sandra Karwel's Comments

The Palm Bay Police person who has accuses so many people of crimes not convicted of is: Dawn Taplin.
She has identified her self as a detective; but I was told this is not true. She is only a street patrol.
How strange that her name has been scratched out. You begin to wonder how much of a fraud she really is.
She has also impersonated a veterinarian in a police report stating “a family pet was to sick to care for”.

Cocoa man charged….., Palm Bay police Detective Dawn Taplin said.

Palm Bay Detective Dawn Taplin, who was present during grand jury testimony, said she approved of the jury's decision Tuesday to indict.

Palm Bay police officer Dawn Taplin watches the front door (may be she will be a Wal-Mart greeter next).
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Porkchop was a little creature that didn't deserve the brutality inflicted on him; he was an innocent family pet. We have; we are; and we will continue to fight for justice for Porkchop.

I know it is hard for some to rationalize that “Dawn Taplin” a representative of the Palm Bay Police Department mislead so many people, but she did. There is surmountable evidence against her like: physical items, witnesses, written documents, [no veterinarian that said: the pig was too sick to care for] and that [horrid video of Porkchop being dragged] shows she is a fraud.

If one just looks, all that Joey had was an ancient-old pot-belly pig. For Porkchop to reach his 10th Birthday, he was in phenomenal shape and health.

Moreover, there is another issue that also need addressing and that is “Planting Of Evidence” this is illegal! It’s illegal folk. The police had a warrant to enter into Joey’s home and the police brought in cat food to lure the outside cats inside. Also, everyone enter into Joey’s house at will. Joey house was a free-for-all. People were walking in and out at will, on-seers, pedestrians, and animal services’: vehicle drivers and subordinates.

Also Note: the film footage that Dawn Taplin put on TV by the media was by a commercial news reporter and cameraman (Local New 6) in the “backyard” of Joey private property. The police with a warrant allow news crews to enter on to private property. Dawn Taplin personally invited them onto the property. It was a free-for-all; no part of that whole mess was secured.
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Dawn Taplin threatened to shoot two innocent dogs. She ranted that she would shoot the dogs in the face. It was Craig who stopped her, if it wasn’t for Craig Engelson the dogs would be dead with Dawn’s police bullet in its face and blood pouring from its body.

She killed Porkchop, cowardly Dawn Taplin, she make-up a story that a “veterinarian” killed Porkchop because he was “to sick to care for.” And that was before Dawn left the property, and yet we haven’t found the “veterinarian” who said that. However, it is written in Dawn’s handwriting on her police report.

Realize that research shows it was Dawn Taplin, and only Dawn who wanted to rope, drag, and kill Porkchop, no other person could be that evil. It takes a truly evil person to dream-up and follow through with killing a family pet.

When we asked (officially in writing) for Dawn Taplin’s Public Record; it had already been pulled from police files. The police don’t want to release it; however it is “PUBLIC RECORD.” Ask Barney Weiss, Logistics Division Manger PBP: What happened to Dawn Taplin’s Public File? Or ask Dave Fowler, Internal Affairs PBP: What happened to Dawn Taplin’s Public File? Too busy shredding documents?

I’ve talked with a great many people and they think Dawn Taplin is a loud mouth, outspoken, egotistical person. And they don’t like her.
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Dawn Taplin of the Palm Bay Police breached police conduct at an all time low with foray of evil. With a complete disregard for ethics she: planted evidence, made fictitious and out right false statements while impersonated a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, (DVM).

She tortured and killed a family pet. She threatened to shot a small dog in the face as she argued with Animal Services, ranting that she wanted to kill two innocent dogs inside the owner’s home. Moreover, she had herself videotaped by local television stations dragging the family pet to its death, and insisted on blaming the owner.

On Wednesday, August 15, 2007 at 1:00 PM Dawn Taplin set the stage for a television extravaganza staring herself. She organized three television stations to come from Orlando to a quiet street in residential Palm Bay for her delusional version of “Cop and Robbers;” she was after a pot-belly pig. Dawn Taplin believed she saw the pig on John Walsh America's Most Wanted and wanted to save the community from terror.

I talked with City Officials of Palm Bay and they said Palm Bay is facing budgetary restrains and are condensing departments and reducing workers. “Not so,” say Dawn Taplin the city has plenty of money. In fact, I’ve ordered a Directors chair, make-up artist, and two additional cameras. I’m after the Bayside HS mascot; it’s a bear you know! Can’t have any bears in Palm Bay. “This plans to be a bigger stake-out than my encounter with Porkchop,” Taplin boasts.

This may be true, Officer Dawn Taplin had nine police vehicles, and sixteen police officers take part in her Miami Vice arrest of Porkchop. On that undercover surveillance sting poor Porkchop was out-numbered with four (4) Animal Control trucks. Porky Pig confided, “Porkchop was such a bad criminal.” And Arnold of Green Acres fame admitted, “Porkchop eluded the police for 10 years; it must have been his old age and all.” Yes, the Taplin Dream Works Production went on without a hitch, it was a variety show to match no other. Dawn Taplin is rumored to having Brad Pitt co-star with her on the next take-down: Bayside HS mascot bear.

Dawn Taplin made the Palm Bay Police Department look ridiculous; did anybody there notice?
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Every statement Palm Bay Police street cop Dawn Taplin made of Joey is fictitious, and out right false. One would think the Palm Bay Police Department uses a Code of Ethics, but obviously not.

(1.) There was no veterinarian. Dawn Taplin in her police report impersonated a veterinarian; it was her, and her alone that said Porkchop was sick. It was her decision to rope, drag and killed Porkchop.

(2.) There was no mistreatment. Joey had her two dogs taken to an independent veterinarian for a formal evaluation. The veterinarian office and Vet considered it an outrage that she was accused of cruelty. Her dogs were thoroughly examined with documentation for a formal hearing. The veterinarian filed a complete examination report, which they support showing no mistreatment, no malnutrition, and no signs of neglect.

(3.) Dawn wrote on the police report that Joey’s house had no air. This is where Taplin begins to create bizarre narratives. Fact: Joey had a new air conditioning system installed into her house a month earlier. The physical evidence of the unit, the witnesses inside the house is enough to discredit her allegation.

Taplin made a mockery of everyone from Brevard Animal Services. Animal Services did not initiate any action against Joey. On “national new” serious journalist reported “testicles as big as basketballs”. Preposterous! The Director of Animal Services was made out to be an absurd fool.

Taplin implicated Palm Bay Hospital: the doctors, nurses, and staff. Taplin implied they were dirty. And medical facilities were filthy and germs infested. Dawn Taplin necessitated alarmed and panic among patients. Taplin unnerved critically ill patients with undue stress fearing that they were being treated by unclean people. Among many things, Taplin personally owes Palm Bay Hospital, employees, and patients a public apology.

Dawn Taplin dishonored the professionals of Veterinary Medicine. When she impersonation a Vet and broadcasted on national TV that: “the pig was to sick to care for.” Her dim-witted remark should have shot-up “red flags” to everyone listening.

No professional specializing in veterinary care would utter such rubbish. Remember real professionals in Veterinary Medicine are extensively educated, rigorously tested, and arduously trained. They are skilled in: Anesthesia, Cardiology, Clinical Immunology, Clinical Laboratory, Diagnostic Parasitology, Emergency Services, Ophthalmology, Pharmacology, and Radiology. They are skilled in: Endoscopy, Thorascopy, and Cystoscopy procedures, just to name a few. Moreover an Animal Emergency and Critical Care Center is equipped with multi-million dollar diagnostic, testing, and monitoring equipment. It is nonsense to tolerate any of the malicious deceit that Dawn Taplin and the Palm Bay Police created. The Animal Emergency and Critical Care Center of Brevard is one of the finest establishments of its kind, and can care for animals. Again Dawn Taplin is a fraud.
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Joey has requested and is in communications to do a National Televised (videotape) Press Release. Joey was also led to believe on Tuesday, August 21, 2007 by Craig Engelson, Director of Animal Services that her two dogs would be release to her Thursday, August 23, 2007.

Caption Bobby Brown, of Animal Services threatened, (THREATENED!) Joey and her sister late Wednesday night (August 22, 2007) that if she (Joey) went through with the National Press Release about the facts of her case, that he (Animal Service) would see to it that her dogs would never be released. Quoting Capt. Bobby Brown; “I advise you (Joey) not to make any press releases, because if you do, I’ll keep your dogs locked-up for months and months.” We have requested 24 hours, 7 days a week monitoring by a
Veterinarian and security guard of the progress of Joey’s two dogs at the Brevard Animal Shelter, because we fear that Animal Services will try to injure or kill Joey’s dogs.

Let’s review the facts: remember the video clips you saw on TV were only a very small portion of footage that was actually taken the day Joey’s house was seized. Toplin the arresting Palm Bay Cop can be facing Impeachment and other criminal charges for planting evidence on an “investigating crime scene.” There were too many witnesses that seen Animal Control under the direction of Palm Bay Police “plant evidence” put down cat food on the living room floor inside Joey’s house.

Joey signed-off (a signed document) ownership of the cats to Animal Control 5 day earlier, so Animal Control owned the cats lured into Joey’s house. The cats were “planted evidence.” The cats did not legally belong to Joey, again, Toplin can be charged with 2 counts of “Planting Evidence at a Crime Scene.” Since the cats were “planted evidence” they will not be admissible in any court. Craig Engelson and Capt. Brown may themselves be facing criminal charges.

As for Joey house, one person, one! One person the cop who ordered Porkchop’s death “Toplin of the Palm Bay Police” made the statements to the media about Joey’s house. Be very clear if you really read the police report she only said the bathroom was dirty. Note: another government agency “Division of Child Services” investigate Joey’s house and filed a government report stating Joey house was in order, clean, and acceptable for minors. They found no violations. Likewise, numerous witnesses will testify under oath that Joey’s house is clean, in order; fine and they smell nothing from inside or outside her house. She had a brand new central air conditioning system install into her house one month prior to this incident and that system, plus the installation contracts, the company who installed it will be admitted as evidence to the air quality of her house.

A certified veterinarian in the field of pot belly pigs can testify that given the fantastic age (10 years) of the pot belly pig, Porkchop was in amazing health/shape considering his age. The veterinarian at the Emergency Care Clinic stated publicly that it was not her decision to kill Porkchop. The facts show there were no competent personnel who evaluated or administrated to Porkchop and as a result the animal sustained injuries and death while in the custody of Brevard Animal Services. Joey has been accused, she has not (NOT!) been formally charged. When Joey is found innocent then Porkchop should have been returned to her, but Animals Services roped, dragged and brutally kill him.

This case had nothing to do with animal cruelty, it had to do with Palm Bay Code Enforcement.
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