Yes, bringing a weapon to school is illegal, but it's better (in my opinion) to risk being expelled that risk having the crap beaten out of you. I think safety should trump legality when you're actively being threatened, which being surrounded by bullies like that is. Also, wtf teachers? "Trying to get him to 'tone down' his flamboyant dressing style" to avoid being bullied is like telling women not to wear flattering clothes to avoid being raped. Blaming the victim like that is not okay.
1. Inside the box is what looks like a bird's-eye view of the person opening the box. If you look closely, you can see that the box they're opening has the same thing inside it, and if you get a magnifying glass, you can see the box inside that one. Eventually, you get the TEM out (or rather, you take the box to the facility in which the microscope's housed) and prepare a very thin, stained slice of the box's contents. When you look at the image produced, you will see Rick Astley, and if the box is still open, you will hear very faintly, "Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down...."
How is this animal abuse? I didn't see anyone doing anything to the cat. Unless someone put him on the pole (in which case, he's clearly used to it and knows what to do), he did everything under his own steam.
This isn't just a funny way to check someone's breathing, it's also presumably a lot cheaper than whatever machine does that in hospitals. This could be incredibly useful in poor/rural areas where there's limited access to hospitals.
This is adorable, but I hope these puppies were prevented from eating anything. Ribbons, tinsel, and large amounts of wrapping paper can all cause severe intestinal blockages, capable of killing a dog if they're not removed quickly enough.
As someone who's always been a fan of both Star Wars and Star Trek, and known how much Twilight sucked from the beginning, I applaud this message. I've always thought we should get over the animosity and just appreciate good sci-fi and fantasy. Also, Hurrah for Team Buffy!
As an anthropologist, I have no idea, so I'm guessing it's either intended to be purely decorative, or it's a religious object. Schroedinger's cat wanted dead/alive, medium
As a Mount Holyoke student, I can tell you that McMenamin is NOT half-assed, he's just really enthusiastic. The bones are arranged in a way that they wouldn't have ended up in without something arranging them, and they couldn't have just gotten beached or died in an algal bloom because the sea was deep there and they died at different times. @Nyetwerke, modern cephalopods can do that to sharks and rubberized coatings because they're somewhat soft. Ichthyosaurs, however, were reptiles and had hard, fully calcified skeletons that wouldn't be marked by a squid's suckers.
Most of the things this dog does are standard tasks that service dogs for limited mobility are taught. People in who have difficulty moving around can get dogs trained to fetch things for them (like sodas), performs tasks for them (like putting things away), and open doors and things for them. It's usually a bigger dog, though.
The person who wrote this was doing so well right up until the phrase "ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny." The recapitulation theory, proposed in the 1790's and promoted by, among others, Ernst Haeckel, stated that "the embryological development of an individual organism (its ontogeny) followed the same path as the evolutionary history of its species (its phylogeny)" (Wikipedia). Modern biology rejects the theory on a number of grounds, most importantly that there aren't really fish, amphibian, reptile, etc. stages in the embryological development of, say, a human. In addition, different parts of an embryo develop at different rates. While the anterior end of an embryonic chick may already have a recognizable fore-, mid-, and hindbrain, as a bird ought to, the posterior end may still be neurulating and look rather fish-like.
My sister was helping me create an email account and she told me to pick something funny or clever that I identified with in some way. I thought of a fridge magnet that said "My mind works like lightening—one brilliant flash and it's gone!" and so I picked theflashisgone. I generally use that for the names of actual accounts (eg, email,, etc) and I'll use some variation of "the FLASH!" for my name when I comment on stuff or if theflashisgone is too long for whatever it is. If I need to give people a serious-sounding email address, I use my college email, which was assigned based on my name and the age I'll be when I graduate.
Even if someone isn't somehow impaired, why should someone's eyes move the same way more than once? It strikes me as sort of like expecting a glass of water to have its molecules in the same places at two different observations. It's just not going to be the same.
2. Wind-up Dalek
Schroedinger's cat wanted dead/alive, medium