Too bad Wallace was a few years too late...The Center of The Universe was established on the University of New Mexico campus in 1988... a sculpture by Bruce Nauman -
I have a friend whose brother went to Dartmouth and one of their team fight songs was: "What's the color of sh!t?" ---- "BROWN!!" "What's the color of sh!t?" ---- "BROWN!!"
How is Utah's name in dispute?? I'm pretty sure the Uinta/Ute Native Americans might have an opinion on this one!! Even if it is anglicized, there can be no doubt as to the origin of the name.
Don't name your kid rhyming names, or with initials that spell something unexpected, or first and last names that are close, like John Johnson David Davis Peter Patterson Michaela Michaels...
"What's the color of sh!t?" ---- "BROWN!!"