Ali S. 1's Comments
Arrrrr, looks like this has been found out. So, I'll just throw in my 2 cents in for fun. I say this is a Toy Propeller.
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I hope they play the "Baby Elephant" song everytime you visit the Elephant exhibits.
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Wow, this is creepy since I was thinking about buying the DVD set for the Aliens movies and now this? Must be a sign. Must. Buy. DVD.
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Oh my! :o That is a bit unfortunate! Dirty minds all of you!
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I absolutely LOVE "The Red Green Show" since it really is one of the best comedy shows here in Canada. :)
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Kinda Alex except I used UPS boxes which I had lying around after I was sending presents to family and friends and had a few extras. I built me a tiny fort over my girlfriend was not impressed as she smashed it down. :(
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I never laugh at shirts but you certainly got a hearty chuckle out of me! Love it!
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MrPumpernickel seems to have gotten the idea right. I wonder if you could also use a light source to heat it so you wouldn't need any wires? Think of a heated buffet table with the large red lights on top.
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I use cardboard boxes because I'm a minimalist. And I'm out of cash :)
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Seeing that she has to be sponsored to go to the Paralympics I wonder why she hasn't gotten any neat prosthetics she can use to move?
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Maybe if they had every World Leader do this then perhaps we can get some real World peace in the works. However, I do somewhat share the sentiments of artbot. ;)
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I always thought women ate beef! :P
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I say that SWAN is feeding the fishes for the day when he/she may call upon them for help in the upcoming "Battle of the Pond" against the ducks.
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Dead people turn blue don't they?
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You will be missed Pavarotti. RIP.