This is one of the scariest articles I've ever read on this site. It is also a close contender for the most depressing.
The idea that people have to be told there is some distance between giant casino, or that bloggers will write about a convention that they are attending, or that the Blogosphere is large... I lose hope for humanity and our collective intelligence.
I'm being overly verbose here. All of this comment can be reduced to a single three-letter word: "Duh".
I do hope that no city or state money is being used to support Salem. We can't have Government supporting religious activities. That would be unconstitutional.
Painting a small out-building a single color is art. Just think of the number of meals he could have bought for a needy family with money spent on paint. Imagine the good he could have done if he took this time to volunteer at a homeless shelter.
All of this gone, just so he could say "Hey! Look what I can do!"
Cellania doesn't need to check facts. It is enough to just say Evil Conservative as often as possible. She is a firm believer in the adage that if you say something often enough it will turn into truth.
How about an apology, Cellania? How about a correction? How about admitting that you were wrong and that your bias against conservatives has blatantly shown through?
The idea that people have to be told there is some distance between giant casino, or that bloggers will write about a convention that they are attending, or that the Blogosphere is large... I lose hope for humanity and our collective intelligence.
I'm being overly verbose here. All of this comment can be reduced to a single three-letter word: "Duh".
All of this gone, just so he could say "Hey! Look what I can do!"
How about an apology, Cellania? How about a correction? How about admitting that you were wrong and that your bias against conservatives has blatantly shown through?