MadBiker Wolf's Comments

Society awards losing teams the same as winning teams in order to not hurt the little kiddies feelings, but the same society isolates, denigrates, and casts out fat kids. Kids are suspended from school for bullying because they played tag, but the school targets kids who are overweight.
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@ee, have you any idea what the word "manifesto" means? It is not just a "bit of print" as you say.

I dig the part about how hate, envy, rage, and jealousy are beautiful. Then again, we are told here to stop "over analyzing" so I guess we shouldn't have noticed how stupid this whole thing is.

I will always analyze, question, and use logic in my decision making instead of merely thinking that "life is simple."
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This is utter dreck and wouldn't even qualify for the Annals of Improbable Research. "Friending" on Facebook has no correlation to whether or not people are acquainted, as Sharyn points out above.
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I approve of this and happy that Canada is protecting their young. In a few generations, they'll be completely devoid of testosterone and scared of their own shadow. Then my grandkids can take over the entire place with a harsh word and sharp stick.

They'll rename the place Wolfland, which will go down well with the Greens and animal-first people.

And thanks to Global Warming, by this time the winter will be less severe.

Go Canada! (for now)
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So a millionaire who is living paycheck-to-paycheck because of the mortgages on 4 mansions, 2 yachts, and payments on his 4 Rolls Royces is considered "near poor". What's the difference between that Millionaire giving up a Manasion and a regular person giving up cable TV in order to make ends meet?

I also dig how 52% of the 17% who are "near poverty" are there because of taxes and expenses. Since expenses are tax deductible, this means that they didn't get reimbursed on their taxes, effectively meaning higher taxes were paid.

Cut and dry: taxes make people poor.
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How is a turkey intended for consumption a fake turkey? by this logic, all dogs are fake canines because they are a different breed.

Another suburb job, Alex. Keep up the good work and I'm sure you'll be able to work the deep fryer all by yourself any day now.
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Since when has Neatorama ignored politics? Or by "ignore" do you mean "try to subtly slant and hope the fools don't notice"?

Don't insult your reader's intelligence by claiming that this site ignores politics. You're either lying or absolutely clueless. Pick one; there is no third option to this.
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Can someone explain the connection between the metric system that John Farrier writes about and the date format? Transposing the month/day has absolutely nothing to do with the metric system.

The U.S. Military uses the day/month/year format.

The metric system should be abolished since it is discriminatory against polydactylism. It is just like the Europeans to ostracize and marginalize this beloved minority with their neo-colonial counting system who's only purpose is to keep this oppressed people down.
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Looks pretty small. Good if you are cooking for 3, not so good for larger gathering unless people want to eat in shifts.

I'm glad to see that this web page is at least attempting to post "neat" things again.
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