It was interesting that I could only "focus" on one story line at a time while I had to basically "ignore" the other two. I could willfully change my attention to one of the other two easily enough, but I couldn't really follow more than one at a time because the other two would become background noise.
Can anyone truly "multiprocess?" If so, I believe that is the direction in which humanity will have to evolve in order to survive.
The problem is not that the student had army men figures with tiny plastic guns; the problem is that someone else pointed it out. A teacher can ignore a stupid rule such as a picky dress code easily enough, but when it's pointed out and whined about, then the teacher is forced to do something in fear of losing his/her job or being included in yet another indiscriminate lawsuit waged by angry parents who are self-righteously seeking vindication for whatever real or imagined slights they feel they've suffered under the "socialized oppression" the rest of us call "Public Education." When you have to deal with the entire socio-economic spectrum of children and parents from bottom-dwelling mouth-breathers to pompous and patronizing pricks, it's impossible to make everyone happy. Someone's always going to go home butt-hurt and blame the teachers or the administrators.
I didn't even research this particular case, but I'm willing to bet that someone is looking for "monetary restitution."
(I was going to get all smarmy and pedantic about it and write the following before I had second thoughts about sounding way too much like my dad. Boy, I'm glad I didn't embarrass myself spending a lot of time and effort writing something pointlessly sarcastic and stupid.)
The world I live in has rules. They don't go away if I choose to ignore them. We've developed these hard-fought rules together as a society over a long period of time not for the good of the few but for the good of the whole.
Anarchy may seem like a good idea when you're a young rebellious teen with delusions of wisdom and maturity, but eventually one has to grow up, something I doubt the parents in the article have done. Apparently a few responders, regardless of their age, also haven't grown out of the teenage angst stage of whining about not getting their own way.
As a teacher, I often have to remind parents, administrators, and even other teachers that children experience all of the same human emotions as an adult - every single one of them. They just haven't learned the most effective and appropriate skills to cope with them yet, so don't be surprised when a child's reason for doing something doesn't really make sense.
If you examine what we know about the development of the pre-frontal cortex from childhood to adulthood, you'll see that whatever decision-making and coping skills finally do get learned are not fully realized until the mid-20's.
That's why all kids seem to be hopelessly neurotic if not downright crazy.
Can anyone truly "multiprocess?" If so, I believe that is the direction in which humanity will have to evolve in order to survive.
I didn't even research this particular case, but I'm willing to bet that someone is looking for "monetary restitution."
(I was going to get all smarmy and pedantic about it and write the following before I had second thoughts about sounding way too much like my dad. Boy, I'm glad I didn't embarrass myself spending a lot of time and effort writing something pointlessly sarcastic and stupid.)
The world I live in has rules. They don't go away if I choose to ignore them. We've developed these hard-fought rules together as a society over a long period of time not for the good of the few but for the good of the whole.
Anarchy may seem like a good idea when you're a young rebellious teen with delusions of wisdom and maturity, but eventually one has to grow up, something I doubt the parents in the article have done. Apparently a few responders, regardless of their age, also haven't grown out of the teenage angst stage of whining about not getting their own way.
If you examine what we know about the development of the pre-frontal cortex from childhood to adulthood, you'll see that whatever decision-making and coping skills finally do get learned are not fully realized until the mid-20's.
That's why all kids seem to be hopelessly neurotic if not downright crazy.