Craig 6's Comments
Speaking as one who lives in Canada, WE DO NOT HAVE FREE HEALTH CARE! You pay an arm an a frigging leg, it is taken in dedicated tax off of your pay cheque. Earn over $500 a week, and you pay far more in this health tax than you would if you privately ensured yourself. Without receiving the benefits of choosing how you wish to be covered.
I'll grant you, it is a lovely fantasy that all these free health services exist, and can be provided if only the Gov sends men with guns after the uber rich. But a fantasy is all it is. History is 100% unequivocal, Socialism does not work!
I'll grant you, it is a lovely fantasy that all these free health services exist, and can be provided if only the Gov sends men with guns after the uber rich. But a fantasy is all it is. History is 100% unequivocal, Socialism does not work!
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Abandon the moral self aggrandizement which you adopt in relation to money taken off you at the point of a gun, and recognize that the fantasy of a free medical system is exactly that. Whether you go private, or socialize, the little guy pays. The idea that by being intellectually honest on this point you have no empathy for children or the elderly is fatuous.
Here's an idea, why not adopt the Australian model whereby those who wish to ensure privately, may do so, and those who do not, but have the monetary means to do so, are taxed in accordance to their income? Seems to make the best of a hopelessly bad situation.
To reiterate, the money has to come from somewhere. Healthcare is NOT FREE! Government bureaucracies are legendary for their inefficiencies and the limited services and long waiting lines they produce in relation to health care. So man up to a little honesty on these points. We all want to help the less fortunate, but seldom is Big Gov the best solution. Of course, those who would actually be in power under such a system would disagree with me on this. But never because they would lose out otherwise, perish the thought!